ID: 5bafcb37153610742eb7e820
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Main
Map (if not default): Def
Description: Revision number 8327 didnt take place
Bug observed since: update was announced
Images/Screenshots: N/A
Steps to Reproduce: Disarm with loaded magazine
Thank you for your bug-report, Armard!
It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
Ah, I think I forgot to actually stage the files. Will take a look tomorrow. Thanks for the report.
ID: 5bea7f7973ca5e17f56f59ff
Map (if not default): default
Description: Ammo is not refunded when a firearm is loaded
Bug observed since: Since the update making the refund was released
Images/Screenshots: none
Steps to Reproduce: load your firearm then disarm
Note: dont know if you just forgot to move the files from staging as you said in the previous one or the bug re-occured thus me making another bug report as its a presisting bug
Thank you for your bug-report, Armard!
It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
Should be fixed.
For future reference, don't create a new bug report to report the exact same issue. If it wasn't fixed, that would have been appropriate to bump, rather than open a new report.
Ticket Status Updated
Changed from New to Closed