Reported Players: Corruptingly Cynical [Twitch] (STEAM_0:1:64269379) (
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Sep-29 11:36
Summary: The Reported Body Slamed/Body Minged
Did I body slam you fatty?
You did not body slam me I voluntarily did with the following feature "Press Jump to Die"
Its Clear In The Vidio You Hit Him Agenst The Wall And Tree Then Threw Him On The Ground
He was already dead kiddo
Tom even confirmed this.
(Sep 29, 2018, 01:07 PM)AyrtonM Wrote: [ -> ]He was already dead kiddo
Tom even confirmed this.
Right, but why nab the injured body away from the cop who's giving medical assistance to him? That makes no sense.
if its not body slamming, it looks very Fail-RP'y in my eyes,
secret service comes out of nowhere and drags a body from a police officer that's trying to rescue it.
Tom respawned, We were messing around with next to no people online. Im deeply sorry if I hurt your roleplay riggs but its time to move on and quit whining about it. I didnt body slam him, he respawned. Tom doesnt have a problem with said incident so I dont see why you do
(Sep 29, 2018, 01:52 PM)Night Wrote: [ -> ]Right, but why nab the injured body away from the cop who's giving medical assistance to him? That makes no sense.
I had no intention of getting revived by the EMS
Right, but you still get the option to tap out if there's no EMS online. You should have waited for that option to appear, rather than getting Cynical to drag you away.
A permanent warning will be issued. I don't feel it's necessary to enforce your probation at this point , but you need to be a lot more careful in the future. Something like this in the future may result in stricter punishment.