Sep 25, 2018, 07:23 PM
Reported Players: [L²:RP]MrMaaze #TeamEvo (STEAM_0:1:127251248) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Sep-25 17:20
Summary: Basically I joined about maybe 10 minutes ago then this person randomly runs me over as I was walking ON THE SIDEWALK infront of the real estate agent and also stated I attacked them which is false I only took a screen shot as I did not expect this at all and was not recording.
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Sep-25 17:20
Summary: Basically I joined about maybe 10 minutes ago then this person randomly runs me over as I was walking ON THE SIDEWALK infront of the real estate agent and also stated I attacked them which is false I only took a screen shot as I did not expect this at all and was not recording.