Whenever I try and load up Garry's Mod crashes. Before I re-installed it crashed on 'Workshop Complete' and came up with an error message about RAM but I changed my launch options to help this. Now whenever I load up Garry's Mod it crashes.
Here are the things that I have already tried:
- Changing my launch options (I have changed them back now)
- Restarting Garry's Mod
- Restarting steam
- Re-installing Garry's Mod.
System Specs? OS, hardware etc?
(Sep 25, 2018, 07:35 PM)LiVHDX Wrote: [ -> ]System Specs? OS, hardware etc?
Screenshot of the error message?
(Sep 25, 2018, 08:40 PM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]Screenshot of the error message?
There isn't an error message anymore, it just crashes when he loads the game up.
there must be a crash report or a .mdump file generated in his garrysmod folder then
Do you activate multicore threading? Through Gmod_mcore (I think thats the start of that command)in console. If so try setting this to 0. That fixed random shutdowns for me on LL.
(Sep 26, 2018, 05:39 AM)Oneshott Wrote: [ -> ]Do you activate multicore threading? Through Gmod_mcore (I think thats the start of that command)in console. If so try setting this to 0. That fixed random shutdowns for me on LL.
That didn't fix it for him

But thanks for the suggestion

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This is quite likely to be their problem:
Driver Name: Intel(R) HD Graphics
and then
1946(372.229388): WARNING: 1945(372.229385): 1944(372.229380): [GMC] 1943(372.229357): 1942(371.508038): ShaderAPIDX8::CreateD3DTexture: E_OUTOFMEMORY
1941(371.474623): ShaderAPIDX8::CreateD3DTexture: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
I would ask your friend to try confirm if this is the issue, by setting all graphics settings to the absolute lowest of low, including resolution. If they manage to load in, it's a VRAM issue for definites. Any Intel HD Chipset is likely to struggle with the amount of graphic shit going on on LL. I'd suggest they get a graphics card or play on potato graphics.
get them to send a screenshot of dxdiag in windows (On the display tab)
@ anyone else interested,
Oh also get him to disable discord overlay
I'll ask him tomorrow because he's gone off for the night I think

any update on this please?