Reported Players: [L²:RP] Leroy Gibbs #TeamEvo (STEAM_0:1:116551935) (
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Sep-21 16:32
Summary: Leroy Said 'We Don't like Gays' which is homophobia
what? this is not agenst the rules saying that?.
no its not + as my buddy leon did say it was a joke.
+ if somone rly is gay it wasnot met to offend? + you wass dissing me calling me a homo
3. Do not discriminate against other users for any reason, our community is one of acceptance
Your 'Buddy' Leon did not say it was a joke.
"you wass dissing me calling me a homo", Saying your being homophobic is not disrespecting you it is stating what you are doing.
Definition of Homophobic "[font=arial, sans-serif]having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people."[/font]
Leon Did. And As I Did Say You Did Diss Me It Is Dissrespect
(Sep 21, 2018, 07:06 PM)Riggs Wrote: [ -> ]Leon Did. And As I Did Say You Did Diss Me It Is Dissrespect
Explain how it is Disrespect?
(Sep 21, 2018, 07:06 PM)Riggs Wrote: [ -> ] (Sep 21, 2018, 06:41 PM)Riggs Wrote: [ -> ]+ if somone rly is gay it wasnot ment to offend
As I Did Say Here.
With that Logic, I could go around and say anything to anyone and say it was a joke and didn't mean to offend anyone
That's the last I'm going to say on the topic and we will wait for Staff now.
Something as simple as that isn't worth a long blacklist or a ban,
Just don't say anything like that in OOC chat again as it is in violation of the rules, even if it is a joke, someone might get offended.
As for the PR its denied, but for comedey's sake this is what I got when I clicked on Rigg's link
it took me a few seconds to realize what I clicked on, why not just use imgur.
Anyways, closed. Don't say anything like that in OOC chat again please.