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Full Version: [Winners Announced] 16 Million $ Giveaway
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39 and 87 please
32 and 63 if there's still a chance to enter. If not, then goodluck to everyone else Big Grin
Stream is now live,
Congratulations - $10,000,000
- $5,000,000
- $1,000,000

Add me on steam or discord (Vimpto#5897) to make a time to meet up in-game!
rigged omegalul
(Sep 16, 2018, 09:22 PM)Vimpto Wrote: [ -> ]Congratulations - $10,000,000
- $5,000,000
- $1,000,000

Gratz guys!
(Sep 16, 2018, 09:23 PM)Rocket Wrote: [ -> ]rigged omegalul
Already been msg'd like 20 times from people asking for the money lol
(Sep 16, 2018, 09:28 PM)Lizard Wrote: [ -> ]Already been msg'd like 20 times from people asking for the money lol

give ma da moni b0ss
Ey congrats, its like you guys won on the lottery xD
aww shoot

still poor Sad

Congratulations! Now you can join the poor squad vimpto!
Thread Closed: for being inactive for two months.
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