Reported Players: ❬CR❭ Admiral (STEAM_0:1:48076759) (
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Sep-15 21:03
Summary: [For admiral] Basically I was deliverd to the beach by a doctor? For some reason then this guy keeps pushing someones mclarren P1 Inside the water.
Image doesn't seem to be loading properly, nor are you completely clear about who's being reported.
Can you please fix it?
am really curious to see the picture
Yeah sorry I don't know why it's doing that i'll upload a YTV of it soon
Itza uploading but itza kinda long so just watch first bit

So then, I feel I should comment as I was one of the first officers to respond after someone called 911 about the body. I have watched the video; yes it does show prop pushing, However, the prop pushing is not major. It is someone edging a car forward while building and personally I feel there is nothing wrong with that.
You have built up quite a reputation in game that no one really cares what happens to you, Shown by eddy's "What a shame". This shows that you continue to annoy people and when things don't go your way you post a PR against them. They asked you to leave their property, you continued to frustrate them so they killed you. They didn't finish you off however, leaving me to feel that they had had enough with you.
Personally, no disrespect given, you need to grow up and quit picking fights with people in game. If this happens, maybe people will stop giving you shit and ultimately killing you. Making your time in game more fun and keeps you off of the forums.
Well I would like to adress that roxy in this case (driver of the car) was driving his car up there numberous times just for banter. I didnt mind it at all but pushed his car of there, because I was building. This all was as the lake, away from other people. You (Cat) kept coming there after we asked you to leave the area a couple of times. Yet you didnt, thats probably why skinny legend killed you.
(Sep 16, 2018, 12:56 PM)AyrtonM Wrote: [ -> ]So then, I feel I should comment as I was one of the first officers to respond after someone called 911 about the body. I have watched the video; yes it does show prop pushing, However, the prop pushing is not major. It is someone edging a car forward while building and personally I feel there is nothing wrong with that.
You have built up quite a reputation in game that no one really cares what happens to you, Shown by eddy's "What a shame". This shows that you continue to annoy people and when things don't go your way you post a PR against them. They asked you to leave their property, you continued to frustrate them so they killed you. They didn't finish you off however, leaving me to feel that they had had enough with you.
Personally, no disrespect given, you need to grow up and quit picking fights with people in game. If this happens, maybe people will stop giving you shit and ultimately killing you. Making your time in game more fun and keeps you off of the forums.
I totally agree with what Ayrton said, u have built up a big reputation in the community and not a great one. And I don't see what why you need to make a great deal of a small prop push. I would totally understand if it was mass prop push but I'm sure you know the physics of garrysmod ain't too great, so even tho you're touching the car lightly it could go miles.
And like other people have said and what the video shows that you have been annoying them so that is probably why Skinny Legend Hit you a few times...
Kind regards

Since there were staff online at the time, I'll need to clarify with them whether any action was taken.
As for Admiral, what was seen in the video is very minor from his half and I don't see a reason to punish him for it besides a verbal warning and I'm sure it won't be happening again.
Skinny legend has been spoken to by Brynn & I and I also don't imagine this to be happening again.
Repeated offenses in the future however may be different.