Reported Players: [L²:RP][S³] Leroy Gibbs (STEAM_0:1:116551935) (
Server: Discord
Time: 2018-Sep-12 09:55
Summary: Posting for my g Doctor Interbot!
Riggs OOC dissed Doctor Interbot by saying “fuck you” to it.
This is very clearly directed towards a bot.
Why are you posting player reports when there clearly isn't an issue? Keep in mind that this is The Courthouse, a serious area of the forum.
Robots and other artificial intelligent are entitled to the American 1st amendment by law meaning they are entitled to freedom of speech. Robots have feelings like us people and should be respected as such. it is a shame that someone would treat them in such disrespect. I witnessed this 1st hand in the discord and was appalled by what I have seen. doc interbot needs to have some level of respect as he works so hard for this server.
Bots have feelings to and are still protected by the freedom of speech as mentioned
General rule 4 of the Forum Rules:
Quote:Do not troll in the serious forums. This includes the Community Related Information, CityRP Area, Serious Discussions and the Courthouse.
This forum has rules and you are obliged to follow them. Trolling in The Courthouse will not be tolerated.