Steam Name: bananen_ephihal
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26810803
Reps: 9
Character Name: David Willman
Character Description: 20 y/o[font=Roboto, sans-serif]|Arrogant|Wealthy[font=Roboto, sans-serif]|Selfish[font=Roboto, sans-serif]|Wearing a Rolex[/font][/font][/font]
Additional Character Info: David was brought up in a rich family in Sweden. His mom and dad both worked as CEO's for their own real estate company. David and his family lived in a big mansion in Sweden and David went to one of Swedens finest school for Wealthy families. Because David grew up in a family with a lot of wealth where he didn't have to do anything and could buy anything he desired he grew up to become a selfish and arrogant person.
When the combine attack happened David and his family bought first class tickets from the black market on a "safe get away train" to get them safe from the combines. On their way to the train, David and his family was attacked by the combines and David was the only survivor reaching the train. David has never been to such a place in the train before and simple tasks like cleaning and talking to people is a challenge for David because he grew up not having to work hard to get anything. Will he be able to survive with the rest of the group?
Role you are applying for: Upper-class citizen
Special Request(s): A clothing that fit David's style (Wealthy clothing) a suite might do the job?
Steam Name: [font=Roboto, sans-serif][L²:RP] Cooli[/font]
SteamID: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]STEAM_0:1:55474305[/font]
Reps: 14
Character Name: Freddie Fischer
Character Description: Freddie has nothing distinctive about him, but he acts odd and shady, and loves to make a mystery about himself.
Additional Character Info: (Short backstory/bio required for leader roles.)
Role you are applying for: Upper class citizen
Special Request(s): A knife, as it would fit my character and may be able to assist in developing my character.
Steam Name:
Character Name:
Isak Debrunner
Character Description:
Swiss|Glasses|30 y/o|182cm tall
Additional Character Info:
Swiss born, Isak was birthed into a watch-maker's family. Whilst Combine forces were taking over the Swiss lakes, he managed to wangle a ticket onto the train for 10 custom watches. From there he has established himself as a wealthy man, trading his services in both watch making and in the repair of the firing mechanisms of firearms for either side of the wealth divide. Whilst he may be an Upper-Class man, he is a socialist at heart and hates seeing the workers in such squalor. The true test of will is whether he assists the next uprising, or spectates from his ivory tower.
Role you are applying for: Upper Class citizen
Special Request(s):
Some kind of model with glasses
Application format:
Steam Name: Welker
Character Name: Cornelius Hightower
Character Description: 72 y/o | Walks with a cane | Early Dementia Sufferer
Additional Character Info: (Short backstory/bio required for leader roles.)
Now senior citizen, Cornelius was the heir to the Pennypacker fortune making him very wealthy indeed. While he lacks any real life skill due to his wealth, he has a strong sense of morality and tries to act as a moral compass and do what he feel is right.
Role you are applying for: Upper Class Citizen
Special Request(s): Philip Marlowe player model if possible and an ASP baton that I will roleplay as a cane which my character walks with and uses to threaten people
Steam Name: [L²:RP] Ollie630
SteamID: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]STEAM_0:1:59960025[/font]
Reps: 15
Character Name: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]Montgomery Hughes[/font]
Character Description: 34 y/o | Snobby | Places himself above everyone
Additional Character Info: (Short backstory/bio required for leader roles.)
[font=Roboto, sans-serif]An English Citizen born into a wealthy family. Montgomery was brought up in the rich part of London as an only child, and has inherited his Father's money. Although he hasn't earned any of this money himself, he places himself above everyone, and looks down on the lower classes.[/font]
Role you are applying for: Upper class Citizen
Special Request(s): A wealthy-looking suit, please.
Accepted! Thank you for applying
Also the event is most likely next weekend.
Event will be tonight.
Do apologize for the late notice! But due to the serious RP night next week, that is out of the question.
Would be appreciated if leader roles could join beforehand. If either or cannot mate it today, please do let me know.
Connection details (Put this into your console)
connect;password 13214
Steam Name: Faustin
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47537763
Reps: 28
Character Name: Robert Augustus
Character Description: Born and in Marseille, France in 1931 Robert spent most of his childhood apart of the French Resistance to the Nazi Occupation of france. After the war, Robert emmigrated somewhere in the Pacific, where he made more than his fair share of illegal contacts. He quickly jumped into the black market, distributing weapons all over the Pacific, Asia and North America. He was arrested in 1973 and served a 28 year sentence, being released in 2001. He is now a lower class member of society, maintaining his devious ways, however.
ional Character Info: (Short backstory/bio required for leader roles.) N/A
Role you are applying for: Lower Class Citizen (Blacksmith)
Special Request(s): BMD model please
Steam Name: [L²:RP] Leroy Gibbs #TeamEvo
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116551935
Reps: 12
Character Name: Patrick Thomas Tarmey
Character Description: 25 YO , Keeps Fit , Polite
Role you are applying for: Upper Class - Civilian
Special Request(s): A Soft Cosey Seat And A Nice Black Coffee Waiting For Me
Since its very last minute that i saw this - if i can be there i will be there as a lower class citizen and just go along with what is required of me <3
Steam Name: Hans
SteamID: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]STEAM_0:0:85301765[/font]
Reps: 10
Character Name: Ing. RTDr. Sergej Brezhnev
Character Description: Age 40 | Black Hairs | Blue Eyes | Retired KGB Leytenánt | FSB Podpolkóvnik
Additional Character Info: Sergej was born in the USSR in 1978. He grew up in a poor family, his father was deployed in the
WW2 and his mother worked in the factory. When he grew up, he became a [font=Roboto, sans-serif]Leytenánt of the KGB (Soviet Secret Police). When the Soviet Union fallen in 1991, he was retrained for the FSK and when FSK was reformed, he became a Podpolkóvnik (Lieutenant Colonel) of the FSB. He is currently working in Counter-Intelligence Department of FSB and collecting informations.[/font]
Role you are applying for: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]Lower Class Citizen[/font]
Special Request(s): | Clothing: Security Officer 'Shirley Accorso' | Weapons: Blackjack, Glock-17 | Armor: Kevlar Vest |
Anyone is able to join without applying as a lower class citizen. (Or fill up any rolls that are not taken/person who took it is missing)
Accepted But no glock or kevlar
Yeah i will fill any role needed. The event looks cool! 
Starts in 1 hour and 30 minutes from now.