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Full Version: That's me out
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Afternoon community,

   As you may have gathered at this point, I'm leaving LimeLight for a while, I may return at some point, but I don't see that happening at this current moment for about a year.

   Rewinding all the way back, I joined on the 30th of December back in 2015, joined due to a way of coping with the bad shit in life. Eventually, though I knew that I needed to find a new way of coping with how life is and as such, I've finally found a few new ways, and as such, I no longer want to continue my old way of spending hours and hours doing nothing.

   I'm going, to be honest here. A few things need to change here and there, but it would be nice to see a change in the community. The community needs to change in places. It's already been noted the effect of a negative community on the staff team, it creates a circle.

      Negative community -> Negative staff team -> Loop

   Please, when you are given the chance to give feedback to the staff team please give constructive points, which I would like to thank those who did. However, there was a few of you who went out of your way to comment on things such as:

Quote:should be demoted
Bias bias bias bias bias

   Believe it or not, that doesn't help us change our ways or who we are if anything those comments are ignored by us as they aren't helping us out in any way.

   I'd like to thank the staff team, on supporting me during my time being a moderator, starting back on the 22nd of January this year, it's been amazing working alongside all of you and I'd like to wish you all the best of luck in the future.

   I'd also like to thank the team, you lot don't seem to get much of a mention, so I'd like to thank you for all of your assistance behind and in front of the scenes.

   I'd like to thank most of the community as well for just doing what's right and being who they are. Unfortunately, the select few which I had to deal on a daily basis in @ sits, ranging from 5 minutes to an hour and 20 minutes.

   Take care of yourselves and stay safe,
That's it from me,



Join me Brodda
What the hell man, you’re not allowed to leave
Sad to see ya go ;(

whos the select few?
Noooooo.  Its Sad Seeing You Go. Have Fun On What Ever Is Next Stay Safe My Friend
Request denied.

Sad to see you go, good luck with whatever you do next and you better come back soon!
Thanks for everything you have done Big Grin
Pls don't leave us.
I was surprised when you got Moderator man, honestly. Back in 16 when you had little to no knowledge of anything to becoming a member who’s enforced them. You’ve come a long way. You deserve the break
cya lad, have a good one
Best of luck from here on Stell.
Bye  its sad to see you go,

sadly some of the stuff you said is true and needs to be fixed fast or else more people will keep leaving.

All the best mate.

Jade 'Ninja' Lawsuite



it will be sad to see you go even if we didn't RP much together. Have a good time doing your real life stuff and hope to see you back. You will be missed. Goodbye.

You take care now stell please. At least do me that.
I gotta say, I didn't see it coming that you were about to resign but what you wrote there was the truth.
Thank you for staffing, good luck with what you'll be doing in life and stay safe as well. Hope to see you return to the community and that it'll be a happier place for you to be at after that year.
I'd just like to thank everyone again and I'd like to just give a quick reminder,

Most of the team don't get paid for the work they put in, please keep in mind all this is voluntary so if you treat them badly, don't expect them to be giving you chocolate and rainbows. It's a two way street, please for the sake of everyone's time, if you mess up just say. It's far easier to do that than for us to waste time finding out what actually happened at that moment in time.

Remember, next time you might be that person that needs that time which has been wasted on someone else because they won't admit to their mistakes.

Take care and stay safe,

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