Sep 3, 2018, 01:03 PM
Reported Players: togomojoo (STEAM_0:1:205124819) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Sep-03 10:41
Summary: Breaking FeaRP multiple times, intentionally hitting cops to copbait them and then take off as a gundealer, breaking NLR and shooting cops to get his kamaz back.
Evidence: I only recorded the last pursuit right before we arrested him, but here you can see how he's breaking FearRP. after he got arreste he disconnected.
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Sep-03 10:41
Summary: Breaking FeaRP multiple times, intentionally hitting cops to copbait them and then take off as a gundealer, breaking NLR and shooting cops to get his kamaz back.
Evidence: I only recorded the last pursuit right before we arrested him, but here you can see how he's breaking FearRP. after he got arreste he disconnected.