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Full Version: Not receiving alerts
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ID: 5b815abac97b9468b20866ec

Service [Forums/UCP/TeamSpeak/Stock Exchange/Etc]: Forums

Description: I have recently noticed that I don't receive any alerts on the forums when people post in subscribed threads, etc. However, I receive email notifications about it. I have checked my alert settings and all checkboxes are ticked.

For example, I received an email 12 hours ago saying "New Reply to Disallow storing and changing plate of vehicle when in pursuit", but I never received an alert on the forums.

Bug observed since: Probably a week or two.

Images/Screenshot: None

Steps to Reproduce: None
Thank you for your bug-report, Jompe!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
Can confirm, ive not recieved many alerts for for  days on subscribed threads
I was just taggad in the work finished thread and didn’t receive any alert.
Can you take a screenshot of your Alert settings? 

Go to UserCP on the forums, left tabs should have Alert settings.
(Sep 6, 2018, 12:08 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]Can you take a screenshot of your Alert settings? 

Go to UserCP on the forums, left tabs should have Alert settings.

[Image: rbKBrUQ.png]
Ticket Status Updated

Changed from New to Confirmed
I was just tagged in the Work Done thread but didn't receive any notification.

Edit: Just realized I posted this exact post for a few months ago. However, I have not received an alert for probably 1 month.
Might be an issue of types in the DB.
Ticket Status Updated

Changed from Confirmed to Assigned (John Internet)
Ticket Status Updated

Changed from Assigned to Confirmed
So, I've wiped ~85k unread alerts from prior to 2020, and reset the AI index. I'm not 100% sure if that'll fix it, but it should help.
I have had no issues with alerts recently.
Is anyone else still having any issues with Forum alerts?
I'm going to close this report as it doesn't seem like an issue anymore. (5 years old)

If anyone is still experiencing this issue, please re-open <3

[Image: Vz0gbow.gif]