Aug 23, 2018, 11:05 AM
Been playing limelight for 6 months and it's changed.
Ok, So I guess I got permed cus im a big minge!!!!!!!!!!!
So I am going to do what everyone does cus im unoriginal,
Staff: Most of you are alright, however some let their power get to their head and they can be a bit of a dick ngl (I may aswell throw a name out about who I am talking about so if I do get allowed back on then I can hopefully see them change and that person is now dont get me wrong hes a good guy however he can be quite moody when it comes down to doing sits.) Generally staff can be moody which I understand that you might not be having a good day but it doesn't look good for new players, and the fact you agreed to be a staff member means you wanted to do it so don't be moody and have a go at players for little things cus your in a bad mood (Just go offline!).
Teachers: The aesthetics and idea of a teacher team is great how ever their isnt very many fresh teachers apart from, so they I guess are bored of going round to other peoples RPs and watch them RP which is why people need to apply and be accepted more frequently.
Devs: You are doing great pushing updates left right and centre keep up the good work! Not much I cant say negative really.
: Ok, when I first joined up until recently you were never active, you didnt come on LL, make an update, or even speak in the discord. However recently you are starting to become more active and make updates, please carry this on!
: I have never seen you on the server or active on the discord, the only time I have seen you active is on the forums which needs to change IMO.
: Same with you, you pushed a single update in the time I have been playing on LL and made a few posts here and there but your so inactive.
: Meh your more active than the other SA's, dont really come on the server other than to do promotions.
: No words other than one of my favourite staff members and my favourite Turk! ily x
: Dont really do much on the actual server other than try to sell a few cars to make some dollar. Dont really see you anywhere else and haven't really communicated.
: Didn't even realise you were an admin ngl, you're probably busy doing things internally making updates, other than that we have never spoken.
: Your semi-active, only time I have ever spoken to you is in a sit or when I am pestering you for your DB5.
: As an admin your great IMO very fast to deal with people when I have PMd you on steam saying there is someone MRDMing etc... (Banned me and ;-; you lose some points ;()
: You make your once a quarter appearance in-game (More than some staff.) Other than that keep crunching those numbers!
: Erm quite in-active don't really see you on and never really spoken so not much to say.
: Mr Nightgei, one of my favourite admins on LL, really friendly, had many convos with just bullying him lol. Need to fix the inactivity or your just undercover and havent noticed your name.
: Dont tend to see any updates recently from you. Not much I can really say other than that.
: Dont tend to see any updates recently from you. Not much I can really say other than that.
: You made some nice SWAT skins other than that dont really see any updates.
: By far the best dev LL could ask for! Updates like there's no tomorrow fixing everything faster than I have ever seen before.
: Only saw an update last week mentioned about a HUD hopefully after the HUD is released you will become more active as a Dev and an SA!
: Dont tend to see any updates recently from you. Not much I can really say other than that.
: Dont tend to see any updates recently from you. Not much I can really say other than that.
: You got promoted to a mod the other month but ive never seen you do anything in-game.
: My favourite staff member (and trap) by far, no clue how you arent permed yet since your a big minge. You let me bodyslam you multiple times after you flew into the floor behind you definitely one of my favourite moments! Nonetheless your VERY active, probably why your aren't permed yet.
: Best bowling alley and yacht builder ever they are amazing, very friendly has helped my loads of times keep up the good work.
: or should I say GhostC
, he is a little sneaky ghost that will fly into your dupe and give you the shock of your life lol, I was amazed how long you managed to keep that RP going after me just asking if you could do a mini event and IMO other staff should take some notes on your event skills, please make some more in the future! Now you moderating is amazing makes people laugh when you pull them into the sky and give them a jesus moment xD.
: My favourite [Insert 1945 German Political Party here.] on LL (jk pls dont ban me), knows how to deal with things correctly.
: I liked you at the start and people thought I was mad lol, but I started to see why. You need to chill you seem really moody or depressed, if you are moody or feeling like shit dont come on cus it makes other people feel like shit aswell, you agreed to be a staff member so dont be a dick to people now you are.
: Another fave, why are all the tmods so nice and funny lol, great guy very chill.
: Gonna use what said in his leaving post because I said to put it, Solid 1hr play time this year. keep it up!
My favourite people from the whole of LL thank you for making my time so good! (In no particular order):
@"[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Shaun Lopel"[/font]
and some more but I will be here all day listing names! (Will probably add more names thru the day)
People I hate:
and ! With a passion.
(If your gonna punish me for that please just remove that bit and not the whole thing thx)
Hopefully I can return one day to see if there have been any changes!
Peace! x
Ok, So I guess I got permed cus im a big minge!!!!!!!!!!!
So I am going to do what everyone does cus im unoriginal,
Staff: Most of you are alright, however some let their power get to their head and they can be a bit of a dick ngl (I may aswell throw a name out about who I am talking about so if I do get allowed back on then I can hopefully see them change and that person is
Teachers: The aesthetics and idea of a teacher team is great how ever their isnt very many fresh teachers apart from
Devs: You are doing great pushing updates left right and centre keep up the good work! Not much I cant say negative really.


My favourite people from the whole of LL thank you for making my time so good! (In no particular order):
@"[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Shaun Lopel"[/font]
and some more but I will be here all day listing names! (Will probably add more names thru the day)
People I hate:
(If your gonna punish me for that please just remove that bit and not the whole thing thx)
Hopefully I can return one day to see if there have been any changes!
Peace! x