Aug 22, 2018, 11:05 PM
ID: 5b7dd02cfbb4fb7553bf38b7
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]:
Map (if not default):
Description: When honking ® with the EMS Tahoe will result in returning script errors if you enter any Vehicle and have the chat box closed. After honking once you lose the ability to honk with every vehicle (and you get script errors)
Bug observed since: Today
Steps to Reproduce: Spawn EMS Tahoe and honk
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]:
Map (if not default):
Description: When honking ® with the EMS Tahoe will result in returning script errors if you enter any Vehicle and have the chat box closed. After honking once you lose the ability to honk with every vehicle (and you get script errors)
Bug observed since: Today
Steps to Reproduce: Spawn EMS Tahoe and honk