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Full Version: DA UBR not linked to previous ubr
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Your Name: Aspire

Ban ID: 7255

Banned by: Console

Server: Rock

Ban Reason: 

[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Double Accounting to avoid ban

Why should you be unbanned?: 

I do not care if my other two bans are not listed as I can't prove them.
This ban is completely unfair.
I do not even own the account Arkisbest, this is my nephews account. 
I can prove this by the email which is his.
The name on the account is his.
Plus why would I rebuy rust and rocket league a year prior to double accounting?

My nephew had the account so he could play with me on those two games.

I do not care about the other 2 bans as I know you will keep them.
I do think the discord one is harsh to be perm, but fair enough.

I don't wish on returning to this server for the considerable future, I just want to clear this ban as it is not actually valid.
The staff-members have received your unban-request, ItzAspire.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Hey. Would you be able to explain how the accounts ended up being marked as linked?
Gmod is gameshared from this account, but it is my nephews actual account, must of just gone on ll once, Idk why I got da. The gameshare is probably why.
Appeal Approved.

For the future, it may be worth getting your nephew a copy of the game, to avoid this happening again, if they want to come on.