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ID: 5b70a2f99f5e0f67cd35bdd7

Server [Rockford/Build/Event]:  Build
Map (if not default): Defalut
Description:  Random Props On Build Server Change To A Pitch Black Color When Spawned
Bug observed since: Now 22:11 12/8/2018
Steps to Reproduce: spawn some random props in
Thank you for your bug-report, Riggs!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
RELAY: Temar: Prob a lighting glitch?
I encounter this problem every so often, however it seems to only do it to certain props and stops if you respawn that same prop after a while. It also seems to only happen the the building props he used as an example.
Update: I stand corrected just now on the build this bug happened to one of the props from the LL-gta prop pack so not just those building props.
Rendering issue. Use the render override and colour tools to fix.
ew render override