Aug 12, 2018, 04:30 PM
[Making this on behalf of Uganda Commanda who's having forum problems The request is formatted by myself but the content is Ugandas]
Your Name: Uganda Commanda
Issued by: [L²] Bambo
Blacklist ID: 75860 75859 75858
Server: CityRP 2
Why should you be unblacklisted?:
As you can see in the evidence windows only,
No bullet marks on the windows nothing
as for the keypad part, I'm pretty sure you didn't need to crouch to use the keypads
I could use them perfectly fine they were not touching the floor
I did not need to crouch and as for the gap I exceeded my prop limit so could not cover it
BUT The cops were actually shooting through my windows so doesn't that make that rule very one sided?
I believe an admin was using wireed texture exploits to see where I was in my base when I was not visible
and please do add if this phys gun appeal is dropped I want my refund I will not return to this poorly managed server
Your Name: Uganda Commanda
Issued by: [L²] Bambo
Blacklist ID: 75860 75859 75858
Server: CityRP 2
Why should you be unblacklisted?:
As you can see in the evidence windows only,
No bullet marks on the windows nothing
as for the keypad part, I'm pretty sure you didn't need to crouch to use the keypads
I could use them perfectly fine they were not touching the floor
I did not need to crouch and as for the gap I exceeded my prop limit so could not cover it
BUT The cops were actually shooting through my windows so doesn't that make that rule very one sided?
I believe an admin was using wireed texture exploits to see where I was in my base when I was not visible
and please do add if this phys gun appeal is dropped I want my refund I will not return to this poorly managed server