Reported Players: Corruptingly Cynical (STEAM_0:1:64269379) (
) , [L²:RP] TheDamgaard (STEAM_0:1:34170925) , 666-Devil (STEAM_0:0:92179869) () , [L²:RP] John Jong (STEAM_0:1:14212289) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Aug-10 23:20
Summary: video is self explanatory. It was minge hour.
quick descriptions tho:
cynical: failRP, prop minging, excessive force, executing as SWAT
damgaard: failRP (mechanics dont need guns, nor should they be shooting police)
666 - executing as police, failRP
john jong: excessive force
Not going to lie, You shouldnt take that so seriously. That was everyone on the server there and we were just pissing about. You came over and had a bit of a cry, we stopped. Situation over mate. If you're upset or lost something I will comp you but other than that I see no reason for a PR other than "Im telling on you all"
tbh i dont even know what I did wrong, the main thing i may of done was said shoot the chef cus they stole an injured suspect as a joke and also shot the floor
(Aug 11, 2018, 02:08 AM)John Jong Wrote: [ -> ]tbh i dont even know what I did wrong, the main thing i may of done was said shoot the chef cus they stole an injured suspect as a joke and also shot the floor
what you did was comparatively minor to cynical. the video was just one part so i included everything i saw.
(Aug 11, 2018, 02:09 AM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]what you did was comparatively minor to cynical. the video was just one part so i included everything i saw.
Basically its a witch hunt for rule breakers. Great
(Aug 11, 2018, 02:11 AM)AyrtonM Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 11, 2018, 02:09 AM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]what you did was comparatively minor to cynical. the video was just one part so i included everything i saw.
Basically its a witch hunt for rule breakers. Great
Yes because a witch hunt is taking a 10 minute clip and including the parts where people broke the rules.
Thats literally what a witch hunt is haha
(Aug 11, 2018, 12:48 PM)AyrtonM Wrote: [ -> ]Thats literally what a witch hunt is haha
If this is a witch hunt, so is literally every PR ever made. This is going off topic. Not gonna post unless absolutely required.
We shot him because his death was OOC and as there were no Admins or Medics on we shot him so he was able to respawn.
Can't see much on 666-Devil can you give me the exact time?
Is it only in the beginning when he also executed sniperprincess?
Also you should not execute someone because there is no medics etc and you can not ask to be killed in that situation.
(Aug 11, 2018, 04:51 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]Can't see much on 666-Devil can you give me the exact time?
Is it only in the beginning when he also executed sniperprincess?
Yeah only the beginning I think.
Corruptingly Cynical will receive a 6h weapons blacklist for excessive force.
TheDamgaard will receive a 2h weapons blacklist for getting in a shootout with the police as a mechanic
666-Devil will receive a 2h weapons blacklist for excessive force.
John Jong will receive a 6h weapons blacklist for excessive force.