Aug 10, 2018, 11:33 PM
Reported Players: Petris (STEAM_0:1:80331442)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Aug-10 21:51
Summary: So I was waiting for a Paramedic to revive a guy that I had previously shot down, was standing next to me and just looking over when the accused CDMed Juri and I'm pretty sure he didn't have proper RP grounds to steal 's Tow Truck. This violates rules -
5.1 - Do not run people over on purpose (CDM), and always try to brake/avoid people on the roads.
13.3 - Do not FailRP. Car thieves need chop-shops.
3.1 - Your character needs to have a valid in-character reason for their actions, especially ones that harm or otherwise affect other players.
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Aug-10 21:51
Summary: So I was waiting for a Paramedic to revive a guy that I had previously shot down,
5.1 - Do not run people over on purpose (CDM), and always try to brake/avoid people on the roads.
13.3 - Do not FailRP. Car thieves need chop-shops.
3.1 - Your character needs to have a valid in-character reason for their actions, especially ones that harm or otherwise affect other players.