Aug 3, 2018, 10:46 PM
Reported Players: [LRN²RP] corgi (STEAM_0:1:59595937) () , Not Enzyme #Jong4Teacher (STEAM_0:1:156081641) () , Darius Muller (STEAM_0:1:49245091)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Aug-03 00:00
I believe the players were in violation of rule 3.1:
"Your character needs to have a valid in-character reason for their actions, especially ones that harm or otherwise affect other players. The action needs to be appropriate to the reason e.g massacring the entire police force is not an appropriate response to being hit with a baton by a single corrupt officer."
I think their actions were to aggressive in this case, as I posed zero threat to them, and they continued to shoot me for several seconds after I ran away from them (not pointing my weapon at them or attempting to shoot at any point), they did not tell me to go away at all and the instantly began shooting me barely a few seconds after I got round the corner to retrieve my vehicle. I believe that they had full intention of killing me if I do not scream "I surrender" multiple times through my mic. In my opinion this was an ill-appropriate response to being near a (stolen?) vehicle.
I believe a fourth person was involved in the shooting but I failed to get their name on video, you can see three of their names towards the end of the video, after I wake up.
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Aug-03 00:00
I believe the players were in violation of rule 3.1:
"Your character needs to have a valid in-character reason for their actions, especially ones that harm or otherwise affect other players. The action needs to be appropriate to the reason e.g massacring the entire police force is not an appropriate response to being hit with a baton by a single corrupt officer."
I think their actions were to aggressive in this case, as I posed zero threat to them, and they continued to shoot me for several seconds after I ran away from them (not pointing my weapon at them or attempting to shoot at any point), they did not tell me to go away at all and the instantly began shooting me barely a few seconds after I got round the corner to retrieve my vehicle. I believe that they had full intention of killing me if I do not scream "I surrender" multiple times through my mic. In my opinion this was an ill-appropriate response to being near a (stolen?) vehicle.
I believe a fourth person was involved in the shooting but I failed to get their name on video, you can see three of their names towards the end of the video, after I wake up.