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Full Version: PR -> monk, Foojile
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The job for doing such a thing is questionable. What was your reason for taking a police officer hostage from their nest and how did you decide to go to the jails?

The FearRP breakage is clear from the video posted. It shows monk and Foojile going out of line of sight and taking out a weapon. Barking orders is not necessary as the player might be typing etc.
(Aug 7, 2018, 02:11 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]What was your reason for taking a police officer hostage from their nest and how did you decide to go to the jails?

They had beaten me up while I was serving my time in the jails, I was going to take one of them and give them some of their own medicine to see how they'd like it.

I think I ran in from the main entrance at the back and snuck my way into the elevator.
It checks out through logs to count as sufficient background to do such a thing.

For FearRP both monk and Foojile will receive a ban as it's clear from the video posted..

monk will receive a 1 day ban.

Foojile will receive a 2 day ban due to punishment history.

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