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Reported Players: bananen_ephihal (STEAM_0:0:26810803) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Aug-02 17:30
Summary: Bananen threatened to DDoS me over voice chat.
Awaiting response from .
I was on radio during the first Video, There was nothing said leading up to this said by john in OOC to get that response. It was also said multiple times over radio, not sure if its that clear in the video. Was in radio at the time i think, as another witness if you need more.
I had my radio muted so I didn't hear what he said, 

I was asked about what would happen for a player if they were to threat with a DDOS attack, I said they'd most likely be permanently banned, though I'm not so sure if that's still a thing. 

as for the initial DDOS threat, I haven't personally heard it myself so can't really put my judgement on it or tell wither it was said as a joke or was serious.
It all started with the Police Chief  as you can see in the first video, he asked my character if I supported Logan Paul or KSI in the fight. So I responded with as you can see and hear in the first video "I'm not 10-8" and "don't *ucking ask me shit like that, if you ever ask me shit like that i'm gonna Ddos you". The police chief said that he wanted to report me for that. So I told him I was going to ddos him for one week if he tried to report me. I even had his phone number because he is my cheif so I said I was going to Ddos his phone too.

In the third video you can see my characters database computer setup that I had made for this purpose. I even tried to roleplay it out with ex, /me starts computer. You can also see that i'm threatning the security guard in the third video that if he comes back I will ddos him" is what I say. 

 and me talked about this OOC after the situations and he said he didn't know if I was jokeing or for real. I tried to explain that it was just "fucking around" and joke IC because he had started it the same way with me. but it escalated where my character had to threaten the police chief and the security guard. I think this whole situation could have been roleplayed out, like you actully going against my threat and reporting me and therefore me loseing my job from the police department, but you would have expected me to go after the police chief if he done that.

I even got myself self promoted to a police supervisor with my threats. In the end my charachter got busted by another police officer, because I didn't obay the speed limit.

John asked bananen who is gonna win in the fight against Logan Paul & KSI and Bananen responded aggressivly obviously not in the mood to be asked questions (ICly) and he threatened to DDoS John Jong ICly from what I got from the situation. But in the third video you do see him setting up the computer to take his sergeant off the internet
(Aug 2, 2018, 08:11 PM)bananen_ephihal Wrote: [ -> ]I even got myself self promoted to a police supervisor with my threats. In the end my charachter got busted by another police officer, because I didn't obay the speed limit.

you ran 2 red lights, 2 stop signs, failed to pay the fine, then got demoted for self promoting yourself, reckless driving and driving a pink lamborghini as a cop
This appears to be a more in-character threat which was roleplayed in a way rather than OOC.

DDOS threats are serious, please in the future make sure the recipient knows it's IC.
