Reported Players: Wiz (STEAM_0:1:63598651) (
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Aug-01 01:58
Summary: I was walking round main st checkin on the Fireman i think he also killed and then he tases me and shoots me for no reason. Sorry for the Ali A into lol ive never edited before xD
Same guy who RDM'd me shortly before. He also changed jobs to Paramedic after I took one of them down to heal them.
first of all, these 'videos' show a one sided, 5 second, heavily edited version of what actually went down.
second of all i didn't job switch to heal, i switched jobs after being demoted for what i consider a wack ass reason.
i have the right to perform roleplay actions as i see fit to my character. my character was only doing what was in character and when you failed to respect, that my character "Sugan" (deez nutz) had to take action. i rest my case for now.
EDIT: and what i find hilarious, is that in your clip you have muted the sound, which is key to the roleplay scene. but what you failed to edit out of the video was Lopel trying to CDM us police officers without roleplay.
I muted the sound because in my editing software it was a loud squealing noise so I am pretty sure you don’t want that.
Also I don’t record 24/7 so I use the record that feature that you get with windows 10 which is the last 30 seconds.
I demoted you because you were blatantly MRDMing (yes I agree I did backseat admin here but I had no options) so I demoted you so you don’t have technically free guns to carry on with your mingery since a few other players on at the time also said u killed them.
Your point about “you have the right to perform role play actions as I see fit for my character” is a lie,
3.1 - Your character needs to have a valid in-character reason for their actions, especially ones that harm or otherwise affect other players. The action needs to be appropriate to the reason e.g massacring the entire police force is not an appropriate response to being hit with a baton by a single corrupt officer.
Shooting the Unarmed President after tasing them is FailRP and RDM.
I never edited the clip of Shaun running you over on Main St as you can see it in Clip 1
(Aug 1, 2018, 04:49 AM)Talus Wrote: [ -> ]first of all, these 'videos' show a one sided, 5 second, heavily edited version of what actually went down.
second of all i didn't job switch to heal, i switched jobs after being demoted for what i consider a wack ass reason.
i have the right to perform roleplay actions as i see fit to my character. my character was only doing what was in character and when you failed to respect, that my character "Sugan" (deez nutz) had to take action. i rest my case for now.
EDIT: and what i find hilarious, is that in your clip you have muted the sound, which is key to the roleplay scene. but what you failed to edit out of the video was Lopel trying to CDM us police officers without roleplay.
Don't even attempt to sugar coat it fella, you did not RP a single thing. You were executing everyone and we have multiple people who witnessed it. It was not to do with RP, you could have tazed and arrested these people but you chose instead to execute them for no valid reason even with the sound. Please stop lying or kidding yourself, you broke numerous rules.
(Aug 1, 2018, 02:38 PM)Shaun Lopel Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2018, 04:49 AM)Talus Wrote: [ -> ]first of all, these 'videos' show a one sided, 5 second, heavily edited version of what actually went down.
second of all i didn't job switch to heal, i switched jobs after being demoted for what i consider a wack ass reason.
i have the right to perform roleplay actions as i see fit to my character. my character was only doing what was in character and when you failed to respect, that my character "Sugan" (deez nutz) had to take action. i rest my case for now.
EDIT: and what i find hilarious, is that in your clip you have muted the sound, which is key to the roleplay scene. but what you failed to edit out of the video was Lopel trying to CDM us police officers without roleplay.
Don't even attempt to sugar coat it fella, you did not RP a single thing. You were executing everyone and we have multiple people who witnessed it. It was not to do with RP, you could have tazed and arrested these people but you chose instead to execute them for no valid reason even with the sound. Please stop lying or kidding yourself, you broke numerous rules.
ok it appears i have to re-open the case and further discuss why i obviously shouldnt be banned.
clearly you guys are upset, but you're thinking about this from a one point perspective. i gotten intel ICly and heard about a corruption scheme in the government. i pursued this lead and it lead me to the top. my actions we're ICly justified. unlike your actions which resulted in many more deaths than any route i pursued.
"3.1 - Your character needs to have a valid in-character reason for their actions, especially ones that harm or otherwise affect other players. The action needs to be appropriate to the reason e.g massacring the entire police force is not an appropriate response to being hit with a baton by a single corrupt officer."
this quote made me lol because you don't seem to understand the gravity of the situation and the fact of the matter is im a cop and i do my job. its my job to make sure the law is followed through, swiftly and abruptly. implying that i massacred anybody is absurd. the closest thing was me defending myself with my beanbag shotgun.
you guys claim that i've broken a ton of rules, yet you state one and i didn't even break it. honestly im not surprised youre freaking out considering you have 2 PR's on you already. this seems like an open and shut case.
(Aug 1, 2018, 04:51 PM)Talus Wrote: [ -> ]ok it appears i have to re-open the case and further discuss why i obviously shouldnt be banned.
clearly you guys are upset, but you're thinking about this from a one point perspective. i gotten intel ICly and heard about a corruption scheme in the government. i pursued this lead and it lead me to the top. my actions we're ICly justified. unlike your actions which resulted in many more deaths than any route i pursued.
"3.1 - Your character needs to have a valid in-character reason for their actions, especially ones that harm or otherwise affect other players. The action needs to be appropriate to the reason e.g massacring the entire police force is not an appropriate response to being hit with a baton by a single corrupt officer."
this quote made me lol because you don't seem to understand the gravity of the situation and the fact of the matter is im a cop and i do my job. its my job to make sure the law is followed through, swiftly and abruptly. implying that i massacred anybody is absurd. the closest thing was me defending myself with my beanbag shotgun.
you guys claim that i've broken a ton of rules, yet you state one and i didn't even break it. honestly im not surprised youre freaking out considering you have 2 PR's on you already. this seems like an open and shut case.
Ok so you beanbag me making me unconscious fair enough bit excessive since im
UNARMED but you then execute me (The President) as a cop, and can I also see any evidence of my corruption please because I feel like your lying in the courthouse tbh.
You say "
you guys claim that i've broken a ton of rules, yet you state one" ok I will show you another rule you broke,
11.4 - You may kill/injure other government members, but only if they are an immediate threat
to your life, the lives of innocent people, or if it is your only valid option while on-duty.
Do not injure/kill for revenge, personal gain, grudges, etc.The Secret Service may never attack
the president.
11.7 - You cannot kill unarmed people or those who no longer pose a threat (injured,
unconscious, handcuffed, etc). The only exception is if there is a dictator who orders an
execution or capital punishment for an appropriate crime has been issued. You can shoot at
fleeing vehicles only if the drivers are armed and dangerous or if they are clearly a threat
to citizen/officers with the way they are driving.
11.3 – You may be corrupt, but only if it does not directly endanger the lives of officers or
civilians. Corruption has limits and should benefit your character, it does not allow you to go
around beating up citizens for no reason or making up completely random arrest warrants.
Theres some more rules you broke

(Aug 1, 2018, 05:43 PM)John Jong Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2018, 04:51 PM)Talus Wrote: [ -> ]ok it appears i have to sugma balls and discuss why i obviously shouldnt be banned.
Ok so you beanbag me making me unconscious fair enough bit excessive since im UNARMED but you then execute me (The President) as a cop, and can I also see any evidence of my corruption please because I feel like your lying in the courthouse tbh.
You say "you guys claim that i've broken a ton of rules, yet you state one" ok I will show you another rule you broke,
11.4 - You may kill/injure other government members, but only if sugan deez nuts are an immediate threat
to your life, the lives of innocent people, or if it is your only valid option while on-duty.
Do not injure/kill for revenge, personal gain, grudges, etc.The Secret Service may never attack
the president.
11.7 - You cannot kill unarmed people or those who no longer pose a threat (injured,
unconscious, handcuffed, etc). The only exception is if there is a dictator who orders an
execution or capital punishment for an appropriate crime has been issued. You can shoot at
fleeing vehicles only if the drivers are su-gan on-deez nuts and dangerous or if they are clearly a threat
to citizen/officers with the way they are driving.
11.3 – You may be corrupt, but only if it does not directly endanger the lives of officers or
civilians. Corruption has limits and should benefit your character, it does not allow you to go
around beating up (deez nutz) for no reason or making up completely random arrest warrants.
listen here bofa (my nuts in your asses) yous ill have you know im from grabahan (full of deez nutz) so stop being racist before i take bofa (deez nutz) you's to ligma (asshole) and show you what i mean.
i want to thank you for reminding me of these situations, because i can explain each one.
-video number one
im not sure how to stage coup's, but i attempted to assassinate the president using my rank as a way to bypass the security. each decision was made based on ligma(nuts bitch) and in ICly order, it lead up to the video. over the comms we're identifying the body and proceeding to 'clean target' as we called it.
-video number two
unfortunately i don't know much about the law side of the job-list but i do know that the president is supposed to be demoted after death? ICly it was designed to make my unit cop a rogue LEO avenging his partner and a corrupt president whose tyranny won't end. unfortunately it didn't turn out that way and you respawned and demoted me instead.
-rules 11.3, 11.4, 11.7
i refer to my IC actions as the basis for my roleplay and stand by my actions, my character jake sugan(deez nutz) did not commit any crimes he wouldn't have ICly. i dont choose what case to follow as a police officer, but i follow the case for justice none the less.
in the end, i want to thank you all for your time reading my side of the story, i wish that you respect my character Jake Sugan(my balls) and i hope you all enjoy your play time on the server.
(Aug 1, 2018, 11:26 PM)Talus Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2018, 05:43 PM)John Jong Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2018, 04:51 PM)Talus Wrote: [ -> ]ok it appears i have to sugma balls and discuss why i obviously shouldnt be banned.
Ok so you beanbag me making me unconscious fair enough bit excessive since im UNARMED but you then execute me (The President) as a cop, and can I also see any evidence of my corruption please because I feel like your lying in the courthouse tbh.
You say "you guys claim that i've broken a ton of rules, yet you state one" ok I will show you another rule you broke,
11.4 - You may kill/injure other government members, but only if sugan deez nuts are an immediate threat
to your life, the lives of innocent people, or if it is your only valid option while on-duty.
Do not injure/kill for revenge, personal gain, grudges, etc.The Secret Service may never attack
the president.
11.7 - You cannot kill unarmed people or those who no longer pose a threat (injured,
unconscious, handcuffed, etc). The only exception is if there is a dictator who orders an
execution or capital punishment for an appropriate crime has been issued. You can shoot at
fleeing vehicles only if the drivers are su-gan on-deez nuts and dangerous or if they are clearly a threat
to citizen/officers with the way they are driving.
11.3 – You may be corrupt, but only if it does not directly endanger the lives of officers or
civilians. Corruption has limits and should benefit your character, it does not allow you to go
around beating up (deez nutz) for no reason or making up completely random arrest warrants.
listen here bofa (my nuts in your asses) yous ill have you know im from grabahan (full of deez nutz) so stop being racist before i take bofa (deez nutz) you's to ligma (asshole) and show you what i mean.
i want to thank you for reminding me of these situations, because i can explain each one.
-video number one
im not sure how to stage coup's, but i attempted to assassinate the president using my rank as a way to bypass the security. each decision was made based on ligma(nuts bitch) and in ICly order, it lead up to the video. over the comms we're identifying the body and proceeding to 'clean target' as we called it.
-video number two
unfortunately i don't know much about the law side of the job-list but i do know that the president is supposed to be demoted after death? ICly it was designed to make my unit cop a rogue LEO avenging his partner and a corrupt president whose tyranny won't end. unfortunately it didn't turn out that way and you respawned and demoted me instead.
-rules 11.3, 11.4, 11.7
i refer to my IC actions as the basis for my roleplay and stand by my actions, my character jake sugan(deez nutz) did not commit any crimes he wouldn't have ICly. i dont choose what case to follow as a police officer, but i follow the case for justice none the less.
in the end, i want to thank you all for your time reading my side of the story, i wish that you respect my character Jake Sugan(my balls) and i hope you all enjoy your play time on the server.
You are clearly very immature making these "ligma" and "sugan" jokes which arent funny for this current time and place which is the courthouse,
You assassinated the president as a cop which is against the rules, you mention how I was "corrupt" which is incorrect and if I was can I see some evidence please.
If you not know how to perform a coup then you could ask a teacher etc or not do one, so you dont have the potential to break rules such as RDM and FailRP which you have displayed.
Talus' actions in this thread clearly shows he takes it as a joke.
Both of the videos show a taze and execute. If there is corruption, you detain them, go through proper means. You do not kill unarmed people let alone execute them.
Wiz will receive a 3 day ban, for inappropriate behavior in the thread, RDMx2 - Teamkilling, executing. He will also receive a 4 hour weapons blacklist.