Reported Players: [L²:RP] john jong (STEAM_0:1:14212289) (
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jul-31 21:17
Summary: So I had reason to believe that there was some kind of Chop Shop at 121 Grant Ave, so I called additionals to investigate with me, responded and we got a Search warrant and got in. After going in we discover that the Garage Door had been propblocked by the accused therefore Stolen Cars could not leave the premises which is a violation of rule -
6.1 - Props are meant for building and for enhancing roleplay. Using props for other purposes may be considered abuse
I had recently reconnected/been AFK and completely forgot as soon as i was able to get back there I put a keypad there and I believe i tried to open the door using my keyboard.
I only just read this properly now and saw you tagged me along in it.
I, as far as I know, believe this situation was already dealt with in-game by . They were told off about the way they used their props to block the garage door, as it didn't correspond with how they got the cars inside in the first place.
Their background on stealing the cars, however, as well as having an actual chop shop set up and how they were armed to the teeth being simple car thieves, was lacking in my opinion. It was nothing more but an empty warehouse and two very armed people who tranquilized and executed anyone who found out about their business, but I believe Joley deemed it all valid.
Hope this helps you a bit in your PR, as I think it'll be denied since it's been dealt with already.
(Aug 2, 2018, 12:52 PM)Wesley Lawrence Wrote: [ -> ]Hey VIVZZ,
I only just read this properly now and saw you tagged me along in it.
I, as far as I know, believe this situation was already dealt with in-game by . They were told off about the way they used their props to block the garage door, as it didn't correspond with how they got the cars inside in the first place.
Their background on stealing the cars, however, as well as having an actual chop shop set up and how they were armed to the teeth being simple car thieves, was lacking in my opinion. It was nothing more but an empty warehouse and two very armed people who tranquilized and executed anyone who found out about their business, but I believe Joley deemed it all valid.
Hope this helps you a bit in your PR, as I think it'll be denied since it's been dealt with already.
^^^ Joley (I think) dealt with it and as soon as I got the opportunity to chuck down a keypad I did and then left you alone so you could happily raid us

I don't think you knew, but I handled this in-game, it was prop-blocked but that was because whoever put a keypad there deleted it by accident so instead of issuing a warning, I said to put one down or I'll remove it.
Hope this doesn't cause too much inconvenience :)
Concluded, handled in-game.