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Full Version: Leaving this community
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I'm leaving this community, it's no longer like the 2015 Limelight where Roleplay was great with the Police Rp the was tons of Passive RP's and don't get me started with the cancer Rp's now.

Most staff members do what they wish, they don't have to follow rules, they can do whatever they wish. Teachers think they can do what they want to do. They never hand out REP's anymore, they help people sure; users also help new players. Why do they need a rank for that? REP's have gone to dumb people have 30 REP's and a lot of things are getting REPed locked Items which is dumb because people can make a great RP with no reps.

Someone had 47 Kill's got a 3-day ban If was to get 47 kills in one day. I would have been banned perma. Some staff can't do it, they don't have the balls to do or the head to enforce rules.

Here's my Daily Roleplay as a shop owner 
"Someone had 47 Kill's got a 3 day ban,"

my 3 day ban was only for the last 3 kills

get it right u minge
(Jul 30, 2018, 04:59 PM)King.Cal Wrote: [ -> ]REP's have gone to dumb people have 30 REP's

(Jul 30, 2018, 05:25 PM)Wesley Lawrence Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul 30, 2018, 04:59 PM)King.Cal Wrote: [ -> ]REP's have gone to dumb people have 30 REP's

Sorry baby
corgi calling other people minge hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

anyway good bye cal ur voice is always purrfect
Bye Cal
Bye cal

Its was nice to have you on the server
(Jul 30, 2018, 05:25 PM)Wesley Lawrence Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul 30, 2018, 04:59 PM)King.Cal Wrote: [ -> ]REP's have gone to dumb people have 30 REP's


and so the great fall cya cal