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Full Version: PR -> [L²:RP] john jong
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Reported Players: [L²:RP] john jong (STEAM_0:1:14212289) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jul-27 18:39
Summary: I was a police officer then the Pres was telling us to talk African which I didn't do as why should we do it? Because I said i was not gonna talk in that way or in an African voice he demoted.
hello i am the guy that demoted him, he was demoted because he did not follow instructions i gave him multiple warnings over voice radio (u cant hear it cus the audio is so quiet.)
Although the demotion reason is not nice, and the reason to deny to follow instructions are valid, the demotion was done for refusing to comply/follow instructions which is valid.

If you didn't state that and continued on with your duties just not being african and got demoted without any roleplay or warnings, that'd be invalid.

You could have handled it in-character after the demotion this doesn't appear to be a random or invalid demotion.
