Jul 18, 2018, 10:37 PM
Name: Stell90
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79631689
Refund details (include date and time if applicable): 18/07/2018
Reason: I crashed on the live server. I then went on build afterwards, where my contraband was refunded. After I had saved my build I came onto the live server and then wanted to do contraband, turned out I no longer had:
1x UV light
5x Pots
2x Printers
5x Drug Labs
I figure that due to whatever you buy on build isn't kept in your inventory after you leave build. I have a feeling this is happening with refunds.
Thanks in advance.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79631689
Refund details (include date and time if applicable): 18/07/2018
Reason: I crashed on the live server. I then went on build afterwards, where my contraband was refunded. After I had saved my build I came onto the live server and then wanted to do contraband, turned out I no longer had:
1x UV light
5x Pots
2x Printers
5x Drug Labs
I figure that due to whatever you buy on build isn't kept in your inventory after you leave build. I have a feeling this is happening with refunds.
Thanks in advance.