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Full Version: Warrant don't match.
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ID: 5b4b96300e0b97408dc6e226

Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Rockford
Map (if not default):
Description: The warrant given in chat to what get displayed isn't writing the whole warrant reason out
Bug observed since: Now
Images/Screenshots: Screenshot
Steps to Reproduce:
Thank you for your bug-report, Gamerpro2266!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
I see that "for reason" got moved for some reason, but not seeing the other issue?
The warrant in chat said about kidnapping of an LEO
However in the notification bar it doesn't.
I also see that he requests an arrest warrant, and it pops up on his screen as a search warrant.
I've had some of my arrest warrant requests approved as search warrants today too, and I was wondering why that was.
Can confirm

I once got pulled over for a fellow player as a search warrant for my plates came up as for "Sexual Harassment" keep in mind that I had spawned my car before that incident
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Closed to Resolved