Oh no, his laugh literally sounds like a kettle coming to boil.
(Jul 11, 2018, 11:22 PM)Nightmare Wrote: [ -> ]Oh no, his laugh literally sounds like a kettle coming to boil.
throw 26 in a bath and then observe the condition of his house
Best of luck out there 26, you've earned your tags.
Also get some better music jesus
Rest in Pepperoni, 26. Rest in Pepperoni.
(Jul 11, 2018, 11:18 PM)Mr.Ryan Wrote: [ -> ] (Jul 11, 2018, 11:10 PM)Nightmare Wrote: [ -> ]26 what can I say, you've been effectively a brother to me over here. I've always respected you as a staff member, and I don't see that changing now that you aren't, despite the fact you might be the shittiest kitchen appliance that I've ever seen <3
Take care man, and keep in touch because god fucking damn it I'll miss you.
Is he one of those "I sexually identify as a microwave" fellas
no he is a grade a kettle boy, respek him
also why you do this to me.
permission to insult person in public because i cant contain feelings
Goodbye 26

Damn, sad to see you go
! Life is more important than video games, so whatever you are struggling with or need to get done, 'git r don. Good luck with the future and hope to see you pop online again at some point to entertain us with your Canadananianness. 
Jesus H Christ, I read that as 26 Staff members had left.
Good luck, hoping real life treats you well!
come back 26 we still have to visit each other in Canada
chrust sakes keep in touch
Thank you all for the kind words. Now i'd write this long sappy post about who means what to me but there is actually too many to count. One sticks out in particular tho, and that has to be Was there in the beginning and helped out little ol 26.
Gonna miss being an asshole with you, thanks brother.
to all that was there for me and supported me thank you. Sincerely The Canadian Kettle.
(Jul 12, 2018, 02:32 AM)26\ Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you all for the kind words. Now i'd write this long sappy post about who means what to me but there is actually too many to count. One sticks out in particular tho, and that has to be Was there in the beginning and helped out little ol 26.
Gonna miss being an asshole with you, thanks brother.
Best jew I know
to all that was there for me and supported me thank you. Sincerely The Canadian Kettle.
Fuck me it's a crown vic
Lol rip LL staff 2k18 y'all feel me.