Jul 8, 2018, 05:34 PM
Reported Players: T1b0 (STEAM_0:1:85964434) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jul-08 15:29
Summary: So, PD got a call about a trespasser in FD. When I got to the scene, the Firefighters told me the trespasser was standing outside and the firefighter and T1b0 were arguing in LOOC over a demotion which frankly I had no interest in.
I told T1b0 that as far I was concerned he trespassed into FD and he was getting arrested for it. After that he D/Cs To Avoid An RP Situation.
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jul-08 15:29
Summary: So, PD got a call about a trespasser in FD. When I got to the scene, the Firefighters told me the trespasser was standing outside and the firefighter and T1b0 were arguing in LOOC over a demotion which frankly I had no interest in.
I told T1b0 that as far I was concerned he trespassed into FD and he was getting arrested for it. After that he D/Cs To Avoid An RP Situation.