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Full Version: PR -> SniperPrincess <3
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(Jul 8, 2018, 08:22 AM)Armard Wrote: [ -> ]Unsure if involved, but i did accept a raid at mesa appartmentsĀ during my presidency at that time trough voice radio, if its not this raid then please delete this comment.

yeah it was that raid
Just spoke to and he has confirmed that you're not even in A37, so not only are you impersonating another clan, you're not even impersonating it right. ? maybe stop with the lies in your own pr?
I'm very bad because I'm posting when I'm uninvolved and I'm going to get warned for this.
Under review.

There isn't enough evidence to support the general length of the keypads, as you walk away before I'm able to catch a glimpse of how long the door opens for. I could believe it though, since the default length of time on a UniSec keypad is 2.5 seconds. This is going to be raised with development. The amount of keypads though is definitely a concern as their purpose isn't clear.

After checking with another member of staff, the base itself isn't a doomfort. Due to this, I won't be punishing for that. The user did D/C as shown in your video, but as your scoreboard shows at the end, no EMS was online. It would be a waste of time to hang around and wait to bleed out every time if there wasn't an EMS online and you went down.

Since the only real concern is the keypads, a 1hr PTE blacklist will be issued.

I'll also note that I'm not concerned too much by how Ricky sprayed into Ulkrah, as it seems to be a genuine mistake.
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