Jul 5, 2018, 05:02 PM
Reported Players: RescueForce (STEAM_0:1:93905731)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jul-05 14:58
Summary: He was mass cdming, while an officer was dealing with someone, he reversed full speed into both of them and cdmed both of em. Then, he drove full speed up the hill and cdmed another person. He didn't call EMS once as I was on the radio and didn't see anything. He then also broke fearrp when the officer told him to leave the car. Bearing in mind, this was only 20 minutes after he mass CDMed in mclaren, so he mass cdmed twice in too separate occasions in under half an hour
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jul-05 14:58
Summary: He was mass cdming, while an officer was dealing with someone, he reversed full speed into both of them and cdmed both of em. Then, he drove full speed up the hill and cdmed another person. He didn't call EMS once as I was on the radio and didn't see anything. He then also broke fearrp when the officer told him to leave the car. Bearing in mind, this was only 20 minutes after he mass CDMed in