Jul 3, 2018, 01:25 PM
Hello there!
Don't know how to bind something to numpad for example? Then you have came to the right place!
Well, let's start
For example, if you want to bind Health kit to Numpad 1, the code is: bind "kp_end" "say /inventory health_kit use 1"
Numpad keys:
Numpad 1 = kp_end
Numpad 2 = kp_downarrow
Numpad 3 = kp_pgdn
Numpad 4 = kp_leftarrow
Numpad 5 = kp_5
Numpad 6 = kp_rightarrow
Numpad 7 = kp_home
Numpad 8 = kp_uparrow
Numpad 9 = kp_pgup
Numpad 0 = kp_ins
Numpad plus = kp_plus
Numpad Slash = kp_slash
Numpad "star" = kp_multiply
Numpad dot = kp_del
Numpad enter = kp_enter
Numpad minus = kp_minus
Navigation Keys:
Insert = ins
Home = home
Delete = del
End = end
Page up = pgup
Page down = pgdn
Up arrow = uparrow
Down arrow = downarrow
Left arrow = leftarrow
Right arrow = rightarrow
Hope this helped!