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Full Version: John Master
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Your Name: John Master

Ban ID: 4906

Banned by:  
Server: EvoCity

Ban Reason: Double Accounting, TOS

Why should you be unbanned?: First off i would like to highly apologise for how i acted against everybody, at that time when i did the wrong step i was really desperate, i wanted to play on limelight no matter what, what i did was really mindless and i shouldve thought about what im doing before i did what i did, but alot of time passed by since it happened and by me and my friends we think that i have really changed since, thats why i think that after almost two years i got more mature and nothing like this (against the server rules) would happen. So i would like to ask if i could gain a second chance, if anyone from the moderators would like to talk to me i could get on Teamspeak or Discort and we could discuss together.

Evidence: Original evidence of his words

Note: i (armard) have translated his speech in english on his request, and posted it because he was banned from further forum posting
The staff-members have received your unban-request, Armard.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Under review
I really dislike the circumstances of your ban and its first appeal, but since it's been so long I'm willing to give you another chance.

Conditions: In-game probation period 3 months assuming you remain active (reduced due to low record relative to other permed people). Can be extended if inactive or too many borderlines. Any rule violation during this period that is serious enough to normally carry a punishment may result in reinstatement of a permanent ban (discretion of the staff member issuing the punishment at the time).

Additionally, I will unban your forum account as well. If you lie in the courthouse again, it will be right back to perma with no warning and I'd imagine you won't be able to appeal that for a really long time if at all. And generally play nice on the forums :3 so I have no regrets.

Do you agree to these terms?
John has agreed with the set terms, he will be unavaiable on the forums for about 3 days since he went on a vacation, he will reply himself as soon as hes able to, most likely in friday this week
Screenshot of the acceptance message, please.
"Napiš mu" meaning "Write him"