Reported Players: [LH:M] John Jong (STEAM_0:1:14212289) (
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-30 20:05
Summary: Basically I came up to john yong after he was trying to false arrest me, since I caught him out in the opening on his own I pulled a gun on him activating fear rp, knowing he would run I said fearrp as soon as he moved cause I knew what he was going to do. All the way from driving off and getting out of the car and equipping his gun he was in my line of sight, the only reason I didn't prepare to shoot him cause didn't want to get a ban for rdm.
The initial encounter was FearRP, he should not have driven off. However, during the later bit, he wasn't (out of vocal range).
However, that doesn't change the circumstances.
I'd also like to query why it seems you executed mark afterwards?
Awaiting input from the accused.
(Jun 30, 2018, 11:07 PM)Pufitee Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: yfBk8On.png]](
That wasn't the question asked. Why did you drive off under gunpoint to start with?
(Jul 1, 2018, 02:35 AM)Pufitee Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: dwUErii.png]](
Im not sure how to respond to this because its clear you are just making stuff up, its all on video im going to take myself out of it and let admins decide
Also you didn't get out following orders you got out and loaded a gun then got behind cover so you had a better position to shoot from, and it wasn't self defence because you followed me around the corner and shot. Doctor internet why is he allowed to just make stuff up isn't that lieing In the court house it literally shows everything in the video
(Jul 1, 2018, 02:35 AM)Pufitee Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: dwUErii.png]](
So you admit you were under FearRP, and decided that because you "had a fully loaded gun on your back" you broke FearRP, and hid round the front of your vehicle?
(Jul 1, 2018, 04:41 PM)Pufitee Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: Wi3BZbN.png]](
Unfortunately, your skillset in this is irrelevant. FearRP is FearRP.
(Jul 1, 2018, 04:41 PM)Pufitee Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: Wi3BZbN.png]](
Why do you keep lying you were playing as a "police imposter" at the time, and in no way would this make sense in real life if I had a machine gun pointed at your head you drive from 0mph a few feet ahead and get out of the car while grabbing you weapon? The only reason I didn't start shooting you is im tired of people like you complaining when I "RDM" them and I get banned. Tired of this its all on video im just going to leave it for Doctor to decide if he wants to believe your stories
Player Report Approved.
Accused will be issued a 2 day ban for FearRP.