Jun 30, 2018, 04:02 PM
Reported Players: Brin. (STEAM_0:0:138425082) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-30 15:50
Summary: We were being raided by the police, we killed the whole of the police but one. I killed brin then 4 minutes he came back, on the Richard drive hall and sniped breaking NLR, as you can't remember anything in you're past and can't interact with the RP?Raid. He then says he didn't kill me in OOC but I have screenshot of his name being displayed in the "RDM" menu.
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-30 15:50
Summary: We were being raided by the police, we killed the whole of the police but one. I killed brin then 4 minutes he came back, on the Richard drive hall and sniped breaking NLR, as you can't remember anything in you're past and can't interact with the RP?Raid. He then says he didn't kill me in OOC but I have screenshot of his name being displayed in the "RDM" menu.