ID: 5b33e59812769f1dc38e03ab
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Rockford
Map (if not default):
Description: Google Chrome causing you to time out when loading into LL
Bug observed since: IDK
Steps to Reproduce: - Have chrome loaded.
- Join LL.
- You timeout.
Thank you for your bug-report, Gamerpro2266!
It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
Probably due to the amount of resources Chrome uses when it's running, combined with the clunkiness of Garry's Mod.
Do you mean timeout message in the loadinf Screen? Happens to me everytime and Gmod is the only program running.
Was never a problem for me whilst I used chrome? Recently switched to firefox, however
Google Chrome is notorious for using resources such as high CPU and Ram usage.
Unfortunately its most likely we cant do anything on our end as its nothing caused by us but rather chrome itself, My suggestion is either changing browsers or closing chrome before launching in to GMOD.
Loading into the server takes more recourses than actually being in the server, if I'm not mistaken. I'd recommend closing Chrome first, loading in fully, then opening Chrome.
or just do a firefox instead...
Ticket Status Updated
Changed from New to Closed