Jun 20, 2018, 10:44 PM
Reported Players: SniperPrincess <3 (STEAM_0:0:30290354)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-20 20:39
Summary: Blatant Doomforting. They had an invisible prop blocking the entrance, a peep hole to shoot through about the size of a fly, a fading door that was impossible to get through cos there was a locked door right after it and the fading door was timed to about 2 seconds so you couldn't get through as there was no time to lockpick the normal door before the fading door closed.
First Screenshot is invisible prop, you can see the name and shadow:
Second screenshot shows the door handle poking through the fading door:
Third screenshot shows the tiny peephole below the keypad cracker:
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-20 20:39
Summary: Blatant Doomforting. They had an invisible prop blocking the entrance, a peep hole to shoot through about the size of a fly, a fading door that was impossible to get through cos there was a locked door right after it and the fading door was timed to about 2 seconds so you couldn't get through as there was no time to lockpick the normal door before the fading door closed.
First Screenshot is invisible prop, you can see the name and shadow:
Second screenshot shows the door handle poking through the fading door:
Third screenshot shows the tiny peephole below the keypad cracker: