Reported Players: -◇-Rollz-◇- (STEAM_0:0:72883385) , Scrotonium The Great (STEAM_0:0:45802432) (
) , Wheatcake (STEAM_0:1:49912500) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-16 15:50
Summary: Accused players broke;
- 8.1 – Do not make fortified bases in obvious shops within the city.
- 8.4 - Props with one-sided textures are only allowed to be used as a window, and you are not allowed to shoot through a one-sided window
when defending.
- 8.5 - Bases which have extremely unfair advantages for the defending party, including but not limited to: crouch/prone-only entrances, mazes,
long narrow corridors, entrance keypads being visible by the defenders, and others, can be considered a Doomfort and aren't allowed.
- 8.6 - Your base must fit your character's roleplay. E.g Poor characters can't afford to base in high-tech pseudo-military bases.
- 3.3 - Do not do unrealistic things out of context (FailRP). Think of reasons for your actions and what you do and ask yourself if it’s realistic –
e.g running around the city punching everyone as the President is FailRP. This also applies to unrealistic buildings out of context.
- 3.5 - Custom job titles must state what character you intend to roleplay, and you must roleplay the chosen job accurately
- 1.3 - Do not reconnect, suicide, change job or do anything else to avoid a roleplay situation.
Myself and a few other officers received reports of shots fired at the Rockford Cinema. We responded and upon arriving on scene, heard explosions coming from within the building. We decided to quickly move into the building to prevent the destruction of any evidence and to find the source of the explosion.
Upon coming inside the cinema, at the top of the cinema we found a black room had been constructed in the area which leads into the main cinema hall (picture 1 below). This black room narrowed as it got closer to the end, torches did not work in it and it was very clearly made to disorientate the raiding party, giving the defenders an unfair advantage (rule 8.5). The room also had one-way windows from which the defenders could shoot, and the room did not have a keypad, Wheatcake's defense to this was that he was "building" despite the fact that they were shooting inside and we later found contraband - meaning that they essentially were contra-farming in a base without a keypad using the excuse that they were "building".
We managed to, eventually, breach this room by using a breach to blow down the props and make our way into the main cinema hall. At this point, we
were fired upon from above by Scrotonium The Great, who had set up a roof with more disorientating textures. These were in the form of fences with some sort of galactic type texture on them - they could easily see us and fire upon us from above, however due to the contrast between the galactic texture and the black texture of the roof which did not absorb light, we could not see them, almost creating a one-way window type effect, again giving them an unfair advantage. The keypad for this room also had no cover, we could not get to the keypad of this room without being killed from above by the defending party (rule 8.5 again).
We were stuck outside of this room for quite some time. During this time, one of the defenders threw a molotov in order to try and kill us and escape from us (Suicide to avoid arrest). Due to their own negligence, they managed to kill themselves with this molotov which finally brought an end to the raid and allowed us to inspect their property, within which we found contraband (despite the fact that they were "building" and had no keypad on the front door).
After a while, Rollz, Scrotonium and Wheatcake returned to the property. Rollz began attempting to steal fire engines and ambulances for no apparent reason and Scrotonium ran up behind Rollz and shanked him at one point when he was in custody of police. Rollz also, for no apparent reason, pulled a knife on me and mugged me of $500.
Scrotonium, Rollz and Wheatcake spawned in a ragdoll and hung her from the cinema entrance, and then for no apparent reason started beating the ragdoll with baseball bats and fists (evidence below). I complied and he told me to run away, which I did. Once I was out of fearRP range, I pulled my gun and returned to arrest him, shooting at him and he ran. When I returned, Scrotonium The Great had pulled out a baseball bat and was beating the ragdoll.
Scrotonium, Rollz and Wheatcake had their jobs set to "Heinz Beans - Worker" and "Heinz Beans - Dealer". This is also incredibly unrealistic, as Heinz Beans are a food company who I do not think would be basing in a cinema, beating the shit out of ragdolls and stealing police vehicles.
![[Image: D4BDC71F548157F1C2EFF3D7F464826B25E8743C]](
![[Image: 8FCB2A23076BF880FA0D8CA7937F34FF90261ACA]](
Room designed to disorientate people.
![[Image: F5129AB377C4D6ED5565101DE0FA75A585DA8B61]](
The disorientating area which Scrotonium used to shoot down at officers. You can see how the texture against the black background makes it very difficult to see the defenders, giving them an unfair advantage.
![[Image: 855CC761816E4F32BE096F345609F1FBCB928B01]](
Image taken from where Scrotonium would have been stood shooting. As you can see he can see us very easily. You can also see that there is absolutely no cover for the raiding party, and even a button which was either used to lure officers out to be shot and killed or was the actual way to open the door, either way making it a breach of 8.5.
![[Image: 280D6D401B807E4D51756DB68CBF21E0B1DEECD3]](
Another image taken for comparison, showing how difficult it is for the two parties to see each other.
![[Image: 02E12A8DC0FE40B18C58061FAE61439FE1FFEFAA]](
![[Image: A7F1399A2034AAC4DC417728B68B47443243E45E]](
Images showing Wheatcake and Scrotonium beating the ragdoll.
![[Image: E4887C0C9A1912B91D14B97B6CE274AD902DDABB]](
![[Image: 1FC6316E2F224C93C2801994415117E9E1F344D0]](
Images showing Scrotonium and Wheatcake's ridiculous job titles.
![[Image: 1E562D3202CB6F19556F28E1E514A1C36CB767B3]](
Rollz mugging me for no apparent reason, also shows his ridiculous job title.
![[Image: 5C9266C8308974B316C23C91F7DF372A40C711E6]](
![[Image: EFD496CC81EF2988804B94D12BE122B62C7BDDDD]](
Scrotonium beating the ragdoll with a bat.
If required, I can also show video evidence of Scrotonium The Great shooting at us from above, how disorientating the black room was, and Rollz/Scrotonium setting the cinema alight to attempt to escape from police.
Can confirm Me, and a few others attempted to raid it earlier, before I gave up due to lack of staff response.
There was also a one way window with a lever directly under it, clearly used for fading it away and shooting.
Why did you post and then delete your post?
(Jun 16, 2018, 10:11 PM)Judge Rage Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: zwU0iZp.png]](
Why did you post and then delete your post?
I made a draft. Whats it to you?
(Jun 16, 2018, 10:16 PM)Scrotonium Wrote: [ -> ] (Jun 16, 2018, 10:11 PM)Judge Rage Wrote: [ -> ]-snip-
I made a draft. Whats it to you?
I'm curious?
If you've got a PR, you may want to reply and defend your case, hence why it strikes me as strange why you replied and then deleted it, almost as if you had said something incriminating. I'm just curious, that is all.
(Jun 16, 2018, 09:26 PM)RyanF Wrote: [ -> ]Can confirm Me, and a few others attempted to raid it earlier, before I gave up due to lack of staff response.
There was also a one way window with a lever directly under it, clearly used for fading it away and shooting.
Yea, I counld't confirm but one of them where shooting though fading doors, I have screen shots of thease if needed.
(Jun 16, 2018, 10:23 PM)Judge Rage Wrote: [ -> ] (Jun 16, 2018, 10:16 PM)Scrotonium Wrote: [ -> ] (Jun 16, 2018, 10:11 PM)Judge Rage Wrote: [ -> ]-snip-
I made a draft. Whats it to you?
I'm curious?
If you've got a PR, you may want to reply and defend your case, hence why it strikes me as strange why you replied and then deleted it, almost as if you had said something incriminating. I'm just curious, that is all.
"I made a draft."
I'd like make it known that this PR is based on two raids at two different times on slightly different base designs but in the same location. In my response this will be marked with
#1 for the first raid or
#2 for the second. If the response is not marked it corresponds to both raids.
A lot of this was dealt with at the time by
All evidence provided is of the first raid or after the first raid but before the second raid which I was hardly involved in. [More info below]
I was also not even apart of the first raid, at all apart from the very beginning when I was arrested. I did not attempt to kill any police, attack them or resist arrest I was told that Scrotonium and Rollz died to gun fire and were either arrested or killed by police.
During the second raid, I and Scrotonium managed to kill most of the police. We then rushed out of the main door of the cinema and killed 2 police and one SWAT with the help of and 123. We then proceeded to steal a police car and a fire engine to escape the area secretly within the government vehicles. Just after this, my internet did happen to crash and the whole situation was long over by the time it came back up.
Quote:Judge Rage- 8.1 – Do not make fortified bases in obvious shops within the city.
The Rockford map is not the best for basing. This Cinema is not a shop and I hardly see anybody using it for role-play.
- 8.4 - Props with one-sided textures are only allowed to be used as a window, and you are not allowed to shoot through a one-sided window when defending.
We didn't even fire out of the windows in the first raid.
When we used those windows we did not open them, shoot out and then close them. We left them open after shooting for at least 10 seconds at a time and almost immediately retreated in to the back room. We used those windows for a maximum of 2 minutes and I believe we didn't even kill anyone.
- 8.5 - Bases which have extremely unfair advantages for the defending party, including but not limited to: crouch/prone-only entrances, mazes, long narrow corridors, entrance keypads being visible by the defenders, and others, can be considered a Doomfort and aren't allowed.
We had no crouch/prone only entrances, mazes, long narrow corridors and the entrance keypads were clearly visible to both parties. We did not consider it to be a 'long narrow corridor'.
This base was not an unfair advantage at all, as a Government Official you have almost unlimited ammo and medical supplies to keep you topped up and fighting in the raid where as defenders only have limited ammo and medical supplies, which you were taking full advantage of with your Paramedic stood outside the Cinema to heal any unconcious police and your own medkits to heal eachother.
- 8.6 - Your base must fit your character's roleplay. E.g Poor characters can't afford to base in high-tech pseudo-military bases.
Our base was not at all high tech and our role-play was neither poor nor wealthy.
- 3.3 - Do not do unrealistic things out of context (FailRP). Think of reasons for your actions and what you do and ask yourself if it’s realistic – e.g running around the city punching everyone as the President is FailRP. This also applies to unrealistic buildings out of context.
Me myself, (Wheatcake) did not break this rule at all.
This did not occur at all during the second raid.
- 3.5 - Custom job titles must state what character you intend to roleplay, and you must roleplay the chosen job accurately
I have to agree with this a little bit, our job titles weren't exactly the most clear thing to what we were doing. We were drug dealers/cookers and were nicknamed as Heinz Beans as it was a bit of a funny inside joke and kind of corresponded to cooking drugs, instead of beans.
- 1.3 - Do not reconnect, suicide, change job or do anything else to avoid a roleplay situation.
I do not believe any of us disconnected, suicided or changed job to avoid a role-play situation.
[More detail in the next response].
Myself and a few other officers received reports of shots fired at the Rockford Cinema. We responded and upon arriving on scene, heard explosions coming from within the building. We decided to quickly move into the building to prevent the destruction of any evidence and to find the source of the explosion.
Upon coming inside the cinema, at the top of the cinema we found a black room had been constructed in the area which leads into the main cinema hall (picture 1 below). This black room narrowed as it got closer to the end, torches did not work in it and it was very clearly made to disorientate the raiding party, giving the defenders an unfair advantage (rule 8.5). The room also had one-way windows from which the defenders could shoot, and the room did not have a keypad, Wheatcake's defense to this was that he was "building" despite the fact that they were shooting inside and we later found contraband - meaning that they essentially were contra-farming in a base without a keypad using the excuse that they were "building".
During the session today all 3 of us were having lots of issues with either internet crashes, game crashes with the Garry's Mod LUA Panic Error or just Garry's Mod being Garry's Mod. I had just reconnected and restored my props which caused the keypads not to work. I went in and was re-placing the keypads when I got arrested. I tried to tell them this in LOOC but they did not listen and accused me of removing them to stop them from entering.
We managed to, eventually, breach this room by using a breach to blow down the props and make our way into the main cinema hall. At this point, we were fired upon from above by Scrotonium The Great, who had set up a roof with more disorientating textures. These were in the form of fences with some sort of galactic type texture on them - they could easily see us and fire upon us from above, however due to the contrast between the galactic texture and the black texture of the roof which did not absorb light, we could not see them, almost creating a one-way window type effect, again giving them an unfair advantage. The keypad for this room also had no cover, we could not get to the keypad of this room without being killed from above by the defending party (rule 8.5 again).
Was not involved (Wheatcake).
We were stuck outside of this room for quite some time. During this time, one of the defenders threw a molotov in order to try and kill us and escape from us (Suicide to avoid arrest). Due to their own negligence, they managed to kill themselves with this molotov which finally brought an end to the raid and allowed us to inspect their property, within which we found contraband (despite the fact that they were "building" and had no keypad on the front door).
Molotovs were ONLY thrown during the second raid, so you're obviously mixing up your stories as there was no way to throw a molotov during the first raid as all the props were intact and molotovs can not be thrown through fences.
Molotovs were thrown after the Police destroyed our props with a breach in the second raid, as the props were gone we then threw molotovs to stop them from entering the back room to give us more time to concoct an escape plan.
None of us were killed by molotov's.
After a while, Rollz, Scrotonium and Wheatcake returned to the property. Rollz began attempting to steal fire engines and ambulances for no apparent reason and Scrotonium ran up behind Rollz and shanked him at one point when he was in custody of police. Rollz also, for no apparent reason, pulled a knife on me and mugged me of $500.
#1 (After the first raid, before the second).
Was not involved (Wheatcake).
Scrotonium, Rollz and Wheatcake spawned in a ragdoll and hung her from the cinema entrance, and then for no apparent reason started beating the ragdoll with baseball bats and fists (evidence below). I complied and he told me to run away, which I did. Once I was out of fearRP range, I pulled my gun and returned to arrest him, shooting at him and he ran. When I returned, Scrotonium The Great had pulled out a baseball bat and was beating the ragdoll.
#1 (After the first raid, before the second).
Was not involved (Wheatcake).
Scrotonium, Rollz and Wheatcake had their jobs set to "Heinz Beans - Worker" and "Heinz Beans - Dealer". This is also incredibly unrealistic, as Heinz Beans are a food company who I do not think would be basing in a cinema, beating the shit out of ragdolls and stealing police vehicles.
I have to agree with this a little bit, our job titles weren't exactly the most clear thing to what we were doing. We were drug dealers/cookers and were nicknamed as Heinz Beans as it was a bit of a funny inside joke and kind of corresponded to cooking drugs, instead of beans.
(Was not involved with the ragdolls or stealing police vehicles).
(Jun 16, 2018, 10:31 PM)Ninja Wrote: [ -> ] (Jun 16, 2018, 09:26 PM)RyanF Wrote: [ -> ]Can confirm Me, and a few others attempted to raid it earlier, before I gave up due to lack of staff response.
There was also a one way window with a lever directly under it, clearly used for fading it away and shooting.
Yea, I counld't confirm but one of them where shooting though fading doors, I have screen shots of thease if needed.
Please do.
Sadly I only have pictures of the doors not the actual them shooting
(Jun 16, 2018, 10:49 PM)Wheatcake Wrote: [ -> ]I'd like make it known that this PR is based on two raids at two different times on slightly different base designs but in the same location. In my response this will be marked with #1 for the first raid or #2 for the second. If the response is not marked it corresponds to both raids.
A lot of this was dealt with at the time by .
All evidence provided is of the first raid or after the first raid but before the second raid which I was hardly involved in. [More info below]
I was also not even apart of the first raid, at all apart from the very beginning when I was arrested. I did not attempt to kill any police, attack them or resist arrest I was told that Scrotonium and Rollz died to gun fire and were either arrested or killed by police.
During the second raid, I and Scrotonium managed to kill most of the police. We then rushed out of the main door of the cinema and killed 2 police and one SWAT with the help of and 123. We then proceeded to steal a police car and a fire engine to escape the area secretly within the government vehicles. Just after this, my internet did happen to crash and the whole situation was long over by the time it came back up.
Quote:Judge Rage- 8.1 – Do not make fortified bases in obvious shops within the city.
The Rockford map is not the best for basing. This Cinema is not a shop and I hardly see anybody using it for role-play.
- 8.4 - Props with one-sided textures are only allowed to be used as a window, and you are not allowed to shoot through a one-sided window when defending.
We didn't even fire out of the windows in the first raid.
When we used those windows we did not open them, shoot out and then close them. We left them open after shooting for at least 10 seconds at a time and almost immediately retreated in to the back room. We used those windows for a maximum of 2 minutes and I believe we didn't even kill anyone.
- 8.5 - Bases which have extremely unfair advantages for the defending party, including but not limited to: crouch/prone-only entrances, mazes, long narrow corridors, entrance keypads being visible by the defenders, and others, can be considered a Doomfort and aren't allowed.
We had no crouch/prone only entrances, mazes, long narrow corridors and the entrance keypads were clearly visible to both parties. We did not consider it to be a 'long narrow corridor'.
This base was not an unfair advantage at all, as a Government Official you have almost unlimited ammo and medical supplies to keep you topped up and fighting in the raid where as defenders only have limited ammo and medical supplies, which you were taking full advantage of with your Paramedic stood outside the Cinema to heal any unconcious police and your own medkits to heal eachother.
- 8.6 - Your base must fit your character's roleplay. E.g Poor characters can't afford to base in high-tech pseudo-military bases.
Our base was not at all high tech and our role-play was neither poor nor wealthy.
- 3.3 - Do not do unrealistic things out of context (FailRP). Think of reasons for your actions and what you do and ask yourself if it’s realistic – e.g running around the city punching everyone as the President is FailRP. This also applies to unrealistic buildings out of context.
Me myself, (Wheatcake) did not break this rule at all.
This did not occur at all during the second raid.
- 3.5 - Custom job titles must state what character you intend to roleplay, and you must roleplay the chosen job accurately
I have to agree with this a little bit, our job titles weren't exactly the most clear thing to what we were doing. We were drug dealers/cookers and were nicknamed as Heinz Beans as it was a bit of a funny inside joke and kind of corresponded to cooking drugs, instead of beans.
- 1.3 - Do not reconnect, suicide, change job or do anything else to avoid a roleplay situation.
I do not believe any of us disconnected, suicided or changed job to avoid a role-play situation.
[More detail in the next response].
Myself and a few other officers received reports of shots fired at the Rockford Cinema. We responded and upon arriving on scene, heard explosions coming from within the building. We decided to quickly move into the building to prevent the destruction of any evidence and to find the source of the explosion.
Upon coming inside the cinema, at the top of the cinema we found a black room had been constructed in the area which leads into the main cinema hall (picture 1 below). This black room narrowed as it got closer to the end, torches did not work in it and it was very clearly made to disorientate the raiding party, giving the defenders an unfair advantage (rule 8.5). The room also had one-way windows from which the defenders could shoot, and the room did not have a keypad, Wheatcake's defense to this was that he was "building" despite the fact that they were shooting inside and we later found contraband - meaning that they essentially were contra-farming in a base without a keypad using the excuse that they were "building".
During the session today all 3 of us were having lots of issues with either internet crashes, game crashes with the Garry's Mod LUA Panic Error or just Garry's Mod being Garry's Mod. I had just reconnected and restored my props which caused the keypads not to work. I went in and was re-placing the keypads when I got arrested. I tried to tell them this in LOOC but they did not listen and accused me of removing them to stop them from entering.
We managed to, eventually, breach this room by using a breach to blow down the props and make our way into the main cinema hall. At this point, we were fired upon from above by Scrotonium The Great, who had set up a roof with more disorientating textures. These were in the form of fences with some sort of galactic type texture on them - they could easily see us and fire upon us from above, however due to the contrast between the galactic texture and the black texture of the roof which did not absorb light, we could not see them, almost creating a one-way window type effect, again giving them an unfair advantage. The keypad for this room also had no cover, we could not get to the keypad of this room without being killed from above by the defending party (rule 8.5 again).
Was not involved (Wheatcake).
We were stuck outside of this room for quite some time. During this time, one of the defenders threw a molotov in order to try and kill us and escape from us (Suicide to avoid arrest). Due to their own negligence, they managed to kill themselves with this molotov which finally brought an end to the raid and allowed us to inspect their property, within which we found contraband (despite the fact that they were "building" and had no keypad on the front door).
Molotovs were ONLY thrown during the second raid, so you're obviously mixing up your stories as there was no way to throw a molotov during the first raid as all the props were intact and molotovs can not be thrown through fences.
Molotovs were thrown after the Police destroyed our props with a breach in the second raid, as the props were gone we then threw molotovs to stop them from entering the back room to give us more time to concoct an escape plan.
None of us were killed by molotov's.
After a while, Rollz, Scrotonium and Wheatcake returned to the property. Rollz began attempting to steal fire engines and ambulances for no apparent reason and Scrotonium ran up behind Rollz and shanked him at one point when he was in custody of police. Rollz also, for no apparent reason, pulled a knife on me and mugged me of $500.
#1 (After the first raid, before the second).
Was not involved (Wheatcake).
Scrotonium, Rollz and Wheatcake spawned in a ragdoll and hung her from the cinema entrance, and then for no apparent reason started beating the ragdoll with baseball bats and fists (evidence below). I complied and he told me to run away, which I did. Once I was out of fearRP range, I pulled my gun and returned to arrest him, shooting at him and he ran. When I returned, Scrotonium The Great had pulled out a baseball bat and was beating the ragdoll.
#1 (After the first raid, before the second).
Was not involved (Wheatcake).
Scrotonium, Rollz and Wheatcake had their jobs set to "Heinz Beans - Worker" and "Heinz Beans - Dealer". This is also incredibly unrealistic, as Heinz Beans are a food company who I do not think would be basing in a cinema, beating the shit out of ragdolls and stealing police vehicles.
I have to agree with this a little bit, our job titles weren't exactly the most clear thing to what we were doing. We were drug dealers/cookers and were nicknamed as Heinz Beans as it was a bit of a funny inside joke and kind of corresponded to cooking drugs, instead of beans.
(Was not involved with the ragdolls or stealing police vehicles).
Before I respond to this, I'd like to inform you that you are not allowed to lie in the courthouse.
This PR is on raid #1, I have nothing to do with raid #2. The main issue with this PR is that your dupe was a doomfort and on top of that you committed several failRP offenses during raid #1.
For your first point, according to
(who told me to make this PR to present my evidence) the cinema is an obvious shop within the city, therefore it follows that this is a violation of 8.1.
For your second point you have admitted wrongdoing in raid #2. Even if you did not shoot through those windows in raid #1, you have incriminated yourself by admitting that you did in raid #2, which is a violation.
For your third point re. Rule 8.5, you have interpreted this rule too literally. The rule states that a base must not have "unfair advantages", and lists some examples of unfair advantages. The list is not exhaustive and anything that gives you an unfair advantage even if not listed as an example can be a violation of 8.5. As I explained in my PR, by having the disorientating, narrow room and the disorientating, strange, angled roof to shoot at us from above, this gave you an unfair advantage. You also try to play the victim by telling us about how we have "unlimited medkits and paramedics outside", yet you said yourself that in raid #2 you managed to kill the whole police force, so clearly we are not that overpowered.
For your fourth point re. Rule 8.6, this is valid as your job title was set to "Heinz Beans - Worker". It is not realistic that Heinz Beans would have a doomfort contrabase and if your job title describes a criminal gang then you should have said "Heinz Beans Gang" as just saying "Heinz Beans" does not give anyone an accurate picture of what you are intending to roleplay. You have also taken the examples literally here; those examples are not the only criteria for a prosecution under 8.6, the main point of 8.6 states that "your base must fit your roleplay".
For your next point (rule 3.3) I was rather clear on this. You did failRP. Rule 3.3 states that you should not do unrealistic things out of context. You provided no context when you unrealistically and randomly hung a ragdoll from the roof of the cinema and started beating it with your fists and a baseball bat. I would go so far as to say that trying to deny this would be lying in the courthouse, as there is literal evidence of you doing it.
For your second to last point this, for the avoidance of doubt, was when you, Rollz or Scrotonium threw a molotov in an attempt to get police to go away/suicide to avoid arrest/destroy evidence.
When you said you were "crashing" and "tried to tell us that you were trying to replace the keypad" that is a lie. There is evidence (as far as I am aware it may have been recorded) and witnesses of you saying you were building but not that you were crashing and trying to replace the keypad.
Finally for your last two points before your admission you have lied in the courthouse. Molotovs were thrown during this raid, there is picture + video evidence of molotovs being thrown, fire burning, firefighters putting out the fire once you all died and the aftermath of the fire were props were destroyed. Either speak truthfully or do not speak at all but do not lie or intentionally make misleading statements, Wheatcake. You also lied when you said that you "were not involved" in beating the ragdoll as there is literally pictures including your name and showing your model beating the ragdoll. Do not lie in the courthouse, it is a serious offense.
I avidly await the response of a staff member to deal with this report and possibly the lies contained within your response.
(Jun 17, 2018, 11:29 PM)Judge Rage Wrote: [ -> ]Before I respond to this, I'd like to inform you that you are not allowed to lie in the courthouse.
This PR is on raid #1, I have nothing to do with raid #2. The main issue with this PR is that your dupe was a doomfort and on top of that you committed several failRP offenses during raid #1.
Clearly it does. The first raid had no molotovs thrown as far as i remember, the cops shot us all to death
For your first point, according to (who told me to make this PR to present my evidence) the cinema is an obvious shop within the city, therefore it follows that this is a violation of 8.1.
I disagree, although it could be debated. Ive seen many people base there
For your second point you have admitted wrongdoing in raid #2. Even if you did not shoot through those windows in raid #1, you have incriminated yourself by admitting that you did in raid #2, which is a violation.
The windows were left open untill the point in which we retreated to the large section built by me
For your third point re. Rule 8.5, you have interpreted this rule too literally. The rule states that a base must not have "unfair advantages", and lists some examples of unfair advantages. The list is not exhaustive and anything that gives you an unfair advantage even if not listed as an example can be a violation of 8.5. As I explained in my PR, by having the disorientating, narrow room and the disorientating, strange, angled roof to shoot at us from above, this gave you an unfair advantage. You also try to play the victim by telling us about how we have "unlimited medkits and paramedics outside", yet you said yourself that in raid #2 you managed to kill the whole police force, so clearly we are not that overpowered.
With your logic, we could say its not a doomfort because you easily got in on the first raid. The only reason you lost the second one was due to the molotovs we threw at the door. We also came out from our defences and shot you in an open coridoor, with the assistance of two other people, clearly the base design had nothing to do with this.
For your fourth point re. Rule 8.6, this is valid as your job title was set to "Heinz Beans - Worker". It is not realistic that Heinz Beans would have a doomfort contrabase and if your job title describes a criminal gang then you should have said "Heinz Beans Gang" as just saying "Heinz Beans" does not give anyone an accurate picture of what you are intending to roleplay. You have also taken the examples literally here; those examples are not the only criteria for a prosecution under 8.6, the main point of 8.6 states that "your base must fit your roleplay".
We used our ingame job as a bit of banter. Roxas and Doctor internet deemed it to be fine, so why cant we go undercover? It clearly worked for us too considering nobody raided us for hours
![[Image: 9HP0gBc.png]](
For your next point (rule 3.3) I was rather clear on this. You did failRP. Rule 3.3 states that you should not do unrealistic things out of context. You provided no context when you unrealistically and randomly hung a ragdoll from the roof of the cinema and started beating it with your fists and a baseball bat. I would go so far as to say that trying to deny this would be lying in the courthouse, as there is literal evidence of you doing it.
With the pictures you provide, wheatcake does not hit the ragdoll. I also never recall him hitting it either.
For your second to last point this, for the avoidance of doubt, was when you, Rollz or Scrotonium threw a molotov in an attempt to get police to go away/suicide to avoid arrest/destroy evidence.
What are you talking about? This is raid 2 when we launched molotovs at the front door to trap the two officers in (Probably you considering you cried in OOC about it being a doomfort, although you got killed fair and square) and prevent others entering. IT bought us time.
Stop bullshitting about "Suciide to avoid arrest" or "Destroying evidence". You are speculating, perhaps we could see that as lying in the courthouse too?
When you said you were "crashing" and "tried to tell us that you were trying to replace the keypad" that is a lie. There is evidence (as far as I am aware it may have been recorded) and witnesses of you saying you were building but not that you were crashing and trying to replace the keypad.
Wheatcake crashed and was remaking the keypads when you all came in. No buttons worked, and i worked from the inside to fix the buttons, to which you all began shooting.
Finally for your last two points before your admission you have lied in the courthouse. Molotovs were thrown during this raid, there is picture + video evidence of molotovs being thrown, fire burning, firefighters putting out the fire once you all died and the aftermath of the fire were props were destroyed. Either speak truthfully or do not speak at all but do not lie or intentionally make misleading statements, Wheatcake. You also lied when you said that you "were not involved" in beating the ragdoll as there is literally pictures including your name and showing your model beating the ragdoll. Do not lie in the courthouse, it is a serious offense.
Again, I do not recall the use of molotovs in the first raid, only the second. None of us commit suicide. I was the last survivor and was shot, and fell to my death since you guys breached the prop we were stood upon.
I avidly await the response of a staff member to deal with this report and possibly the lies contained within your response.
Stop speculating and causing drama.
Also, I was brought by Bambo in which he mentioned a lot of this as a form of verbal warning and advice on preventing future problems although he did tell me somebody might complain on the forums.
I'd also like to add that after Bambo changed the textures and removed Wheatcakes defence, the police still lost. So wheres the doomfortiness now?
Either way, I cant be bothered replying any further unless staff directly question me.
For the avoidance of doubt, I was not involved in the second raid and it is not the subject of this PR.
I will respond further to this tomorrow when I am able to, however I can tell you now you are lying about not throwing a Molotov as there is sufficient evidenced (which will be provided).
As for that “approval” by Roxas and Dr Internet I am pretty sure that was regarding them setting their job titles to ice cream men as SWAT and not you being a Heinz Beans Worker - whether you’re trying to be fraudulent or misleading I do not know.
(Jun 18, 2018, 12:53 AM)Judge Rage Wrote: [ -> ]For the avoidance of doubt, I was not involved in the second raid and it is not the subject of this PR.
I will respond further to this tomorrow when I am able to, however I can tell you now you are lying about not throwing a Molotov as there is sufficient evidenced (which will be provided).
As for that “approval” by Roxas and Dr Internet I am pretty sure that was regarding them setting their job titles to ice cream men as SWAT and not you being a Heinz Beans Worker - whether you’re trying to be fraudulent or misleading I do not know.
I and
can confirm a Molotov was thrown, FD was called however we made the judgement to smoke you out instead of extinguishing the fire.
(Jun 18, 2018, 01:03 AM)RyanF Wrote: [ -> ] (Jun 18, 2018, 12:53 AM)Judge Rage Wrote: [ -> ]For the avoidance of doubt, I was not involved in the second raid and it is not the subject of this PR.
I will respond further to this tomorrow when I am able to, however I can tell you now you are lying about not throwing a Molotov as there is sufficient evidenced (which will be provided).
As for that “approval” by Roxas and Dr Internet I am pretty sure that was regarding them setting their job titles to ice cream men as SWAT and not you being a Heinz Beans Worker - whether you’re trying to be fraudulent or misleading I do not know.
I and can confirm a Molotov was thrown, FD was called however we made the judgement to smoke you out instead of extinguishing the fire.
A Molotov was thrown during raid 1 as well and I made a similar decision to smoke you out. We did not breach your prop, the fire removed it. We would not even have gotten close to your props due to the unfair advantages of your shooting gallery.
Again for the avoidance of doubt Ryan’s post is about the second raid, which I was not involved in and so cannot comment on.