Your Name: Philip8704
Ban ID: 7235
Banned by: [L²:M] Stell90
Server: Limelight Rockford Semi-serious Roleplay
Ban Reason: Disconnecting to avoid arrest
Why should you be unbanned?: Because I did not disconnect, I was playing on my Laptop and I use an Extension cord to Plug my Power supply in. The Extension Cord had a Switch to turn it off and on and I apperently forgot to Switch the switch to on, so my Laptop ran out of Power and shut down.
The staff-members have received your unban-request, Philip8704.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
I play on a laptop. If I somehow accidentally unplug my charger, my laptop will minimize everything with a battery life critical warning. All of my previous laptops did that too. Does yours not do that?
(Jun 16, 2018, 07:23 PM)Overlewd Wrote: [ -> ]I play on a laptop. If I somehow accidentally unplug my charger, my laptop will minimize everything with a battery life critical warning. All of my previous laptops did that too. Does yours not do that?
No, I just checked and I have like a gaming mode on my laptop wich was Enabled and because of that it does not minimize anything and if im running Gmod in Fullscreen I dont get a Notification either.
Hi Philip.
I'll be the Administrator reviewing the case, as per request of Stell.
I assume since the ban has now expired, you'd be looking to get this taken off your record.
My main concern is the following:
Generally if your system forces a program to close without interaction of yourself, it'll show as timed out or client connection closed, something of the similar but not disconnect by user. What your seeing above is thrown when you go to the game's menu and disconnect from the server, which is why the ban was issued.
Do you have any way to back up your claim? Otherwise I'm afraid this will need to be denied.
I'll be denying this for lack of involvement.
I believe the suspension has merit, and it will stand as issued and remain on record.
Thank you.