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Full Version: Refund Request
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Steam name is "Cookie Crumble"
In game name is "Samuel Forest"

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60438167
Refund details (include date and time if applicable): Jaguar F-Type
Reason: I was banned for a very long time, i just got unbanned but i remember me owning a jaguar ftype and i dont have one
Can you please provide any further relevent details as you've not exactly provided much to go off from.
(Jun 20, 2018, 10:04 PM)Jono Wrote: [ -> ]Can you please provide any further relevent details as you've not exactly provided much to go off from.
I can't exacly? like what? I was perma banned, i had a jaguar ftype before i was banned, i got back onto the server and i had no jaguar ftype? What else would you like to know?
Well I can’t do anything about this unless you expect me to sit through months worth of logs.