Jun 14, 2018, 09:13 AM
Reported Players: KidKhimera (STEAM_0:1:79755309) , justApedoAtWork (STEAM_0:1:176872285)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-14 07:04
Summary: So, i'm driving down the road and then the Gun Dearler and Anarchist get out there car and shout 'Is that your car?' and then kill me.
So within 2 mins 3 rules have been broken.
1) Gun Dealers can't help out Anarchist as that would be FailRP
2) Gun Dealers can't use weaponary for own use it has to be for self-defence witch it wasn't
3) RDM - They had no reason / identify me before killing me.
Evidence:![[Image: 6D0D697576A0CF2C5411F8277758C86AC1AE12DE]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923682899082304529/6D0D697576A0CF2C5411F8277758C86AC1AE12DE/)
![[Image: 831324F948397A093B849837E50E329808D0236C]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923682899082304036/831324F948397A093B849837E50E329808D0236C/)
![[Image: FDE1C9BBF27F465E14F036ADEBE2CD92532E009D]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923682899082305429/FDE1C9BBF27F465E14F036ADEBE2CD92532E009D/)
![[Image: B0C5C011356212806EFD2E38035F601CE9531CD6]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923682899082304844/B0C5C011356212806EFD2E38035F601CE9531CD6/)
[I know I wasn't looking at the gun dearler but I got his info]
![[Image: E0CC39752DA616F4F1DD059F04A6FDF5729AE895]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923682899082293026/E0CC39752DA616F4F1DD059F04A6FDF5729AE895/)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-14 07:04
Summary: So, i'm driving down the road and then the Gun Dearler and Anarchist get out there car and shout 'Is that your car?' and then kill me.
So within 2 mins 3 rules have been broken.
1) Gun Dealers can't help out Anarchist as that would be FailRP
2) Gun Dealers can't use weaponary for own use it has to be for self-defence witch it wasn't
3) RDM - They had no reason / identify me before killing me.
[I know I wasn't looking at the gun dearler but I got his info]