Jun 13, 2018, 05:47 PM
ID: 5b213cac703f6174a027641c
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Live
Map (if not default): rockford_2vb
Description: You can walk through the middle of this prop while crowched
Bug observed since: 12/06/2018
Images/Screenshots:![[Image: 92B096E82CB1D8B6700DF42448D47C3AFCB1FFE8]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923682808553930550/92B096E82CB1D8B6700DF42448D47C3AFCB1FFE8/)
Steps to Reproduce: Crowch inside prop and you can walk though.
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Live
Map (if not default): rockford_2vb
Description: You can walk through the middle of this prop while crowched
Bug observed since: 12/06/2018
Steps to Reproduce: Crowch inside prop and you can walk though.