Service [Forums/UCP/TeamSpeak/Stock Exchange/Etc]: Forums/Signature
Description: The Signature is broken. The inventory value is broken. I just spent 550k for a tesla and my inventory stayed the same but my money went down?
Bug observed since: Yesterday when i made one.
Images/Screenshot: Cant really show you?
Steps to Reproduce: Goto it?
Thank you for your bug-report, Mitch Turley!
It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
Your Inventory value is what all the items in your inventory add upto (price you would sell to market (1/2 market price)) excluding money.
The total account value includes money
Yes, but my inventory was 680 before i bought tesla?
Might need to rejoin for invetory to refresh?
It has to go thru the UCP before updating. This probally can take upto 15 mins
Yea thats in-game. The UCP has to pull the infomation from the live server to then update the signiture
no the money updated on my siginiture!
I don't know then...
Probally wil be able to help you.
bruh i think everyones is broken. i had over 3mil worth of stuff b4 i gave it away
(Jun 10, 2018, 09:45 AM)Ninja Wrote: [ -> ]Yea thats in-game. The UCP has to pull the infomation from the live server to then update the signiture
Nah, UCP and Stats cache and update frequently (IIRC). However it isn't like every 12 hours frequent it's something like 24 - 48hours frequent.
This is why when someone changes their profile picture on steam or their name on steam it takes a day or two to update on stats.
Issue has been identified and fixed.
Inventory value is now calculated upon joining the server.
Thanks for your report
Ticket Status Updated
Changed from New to Monitor
Should be fixed. Your inventory value updates every login.