Jun 10, 2018, 03:15 AM
Reported Players: [C3] Luivader (STEAM_0:1:150828004)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-09 23:45
At the given time, [C3] Luivader was a president and had initial contact with my supervisor at Main St.
It started off when the accused started speeding down the opposite lane passing 190 Main St.
Da Cool Cow then did /pursuit on the vehicle as he didn't have a patrol vehicle out after dying from an earlier shoot-out that took place. He had no idea who was in the vehicle and whether or not they were involved in anything. The vehicle belonging to the accused then runs a red light and continues to speed down towards Richard Drv. By then, a radio call both verbally and written goes out in terms of an active pursuit and to be on the look-out for said vehicle. The accused then hears the verbal radio comms about his vehicle and acknowledges that it is his vehicle and ''that we shouldn't do anything because he's the president'' or something among those lines. We disagree with that at which he responds with ''Well, I am at Richard Drv. X now, so feel free to come and get me if you want''. I acknowledge it and respond towards Richard Drv, only to find him quickly driving onto US-54 to try and mislead us.
I was in an unmarked vehicle so I was able to make him stop quickly around US-54 and Century St and called in for additional units. At that time, and ''123'' arrive on-scene quickly to help me out. After a long back-and-forth on ''how he has all the authority'' and that ''he made the laws so he doesn't need to follow them'' and that we're ''very easily able to be demoted'', I decide to call Da Cool Cow on-scene to verify his side of the story and to start the procedure to arrest the president for the failure to stop and the reckless endangerment he's been causing.
During this, the accused tries to get in between his vehicle and the SWAT vehicle that's parked directly next to his vehicle to try and crush himself in between them (see screenshot). There is no staff member on at the time as well as no paramedic and the accused makes clear that he understands that, even after being told verbally by us to stop trying to injure himself.
Once Da Cool Cow comes on-scene, he explains the situation to us at which point it becomes clear that the accused decided to break the law multiple times and tries to talk himself out of it by saying ''he's the higher authority and is able to do whatever he wants to do''. We don't agree with this, so we try to start an arrest procedure at which, in the end, he'll have to step down from his position. This was done because there wasn't any staff on nor any other way for him to be demoted or dealt with other wise. However, we were going to roleplay it out.
He seems to disagree with roleplaying it out and starts to break FearRP not wanting to be transported over to the police station. He uses the /sleep command multiple times despite being in handcuffs already and walks off the cliff multiple times to avoid the arrest and/or to attempt suicide by falling down, as well as tries to drown himself in the bit of water that's at the bottom of the ravine.
At some point, he walks off the cliff at which I follow him to see what he's doing. I still tell him verbally to follow me back to the front of the ravine and back to the vehicle but he completely ignores these commands. He tries to drown himself again and once he figures it doesn't work, keeps on walking to the end of the ravine. I then decide to use my taser on him because I don't want to walk out of the ravine with him and because we're getting too far away from the patrol vehicle at which I drag him back to the front of the ravine (see video). He then says ''Bye motherfucker -- Bye fucker'' and disconnects to avoid any further roleplay or his eventual arrest (see screenshot).
As a summary, I have the opinion that the accused broke the following rules:
Rule 2.1 - You are considered to be under FearRP when you are in line of sight of a visibly armed person, who is within microphone range of you and is able to harm your character at that moment. //
FearRP under gunpoint of one (1) officer with a firearm and two (2) officers with tasers.
Rule 3.3 - Do not do unrealistic things out of context (FailRP). //
Reckless endangerment, driving around aimlessly and causing havoc in personal vehicle as president.
Rule 3.3 - Do not do unrealistic things out of context (FailRP). //
Used command /sleep multiple times while handcuffed.
Rule 1.3 - Do not reconnect, suicide, change job or do anything else to avoid a roleplay situation. //
Attempted suicide by walking in between cars, walking off the cliff and by attempting to drown.
Rule 1.4 - Do not swear excessively, argue or insult in OOC chat. //
Not excessively, but due to events happening I believe the ''Bye motherfucker'' and ''Bye fucker'' were considered OOC due to him disconnecting to avoid straight after saying so.
Rule 1.3 - Do not reconnect, suicide, change job or do anything else to avoid a roleplay situation. //
Disconnect to avoid further roleplay and eventual arrest.
Rule 1.2 - You can only own and use one account, using more than one account to avoid a punishment or otherwise can result in a permanent ban. //
(!) Accused also has two SteamIDs which might indicate a double account. However, the first SteamID (ending with 004) is the one that was used in the incident.
See the video and screenshots below for context.
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-09 23:45
At the given time, [C3] Luivader was a president and had initial contact with my supervisor
It started off when the accused started speeding down the opposite lane passing 190 Main St.
Da Cool Cow then did /pursuit on the vehicle as he didn't have a patrol vehicle out after dying from an earlier shoot-out that took place. He had no idea who was in the vehicle and whether or not they were involved in anything. The vehicle belonging to the accused then runs a red light and continues to speed down towards Richard Drv. By then, a radio call both verbally and written goes out in terms of an active pursuit and to be on the look-out for said vehicle. The accused then hears the verbal radio comms about his vehicle and acknowledges that it is his vehicle and ''that we shouldn't do anything because he's the president'' or something among those lines. We disagree with that at which he responds with ''Well, I am at Richard Drv. X now, so feel free to come and get me if you want''. I acknowledge it and respond towards Richard Drv, only to find him quickly driving onto US-54 to try and mislead us.
I was in an unmarked vehicle so I was able to make him stop quickly around US-54 and Century St and called in for additional units. At that time,
During this, the accused tries to get in between his vehicle and the SWAT vehicle that's parked directly next to his vehicle to try and crush himself in between them (see screenshot). There is no staff member on at the time as well as no paramedic and the accused makes clear that he understands that, even after being told verbally by us to stop trying to injure himself.
Once Da Cool Cow comes on-scene, he explains the situation to us at which point it becomes clear that the accused decided to break the law multiple times and tries to talk himself out of it by saying ''he's the higher authority and is able to do whatever he wants to do''. We don't agree with this, so we try to start an arrest procedure at which, in the end, he'll have to step down from his position. This was done because there wasn't any staff on nor any other way for him to be demoted or dealt with other wise. However, we were going to roleplay it out.
He seems to disagree with roleplaying it out and starts to break FearRP not wanting to be transported over to the police station. He uses the /sleep command multiple times despite being in handcuffs already and walks off the cliff multiple times to avoid the arrest and/or to attempt suicide by falling down, as well as tries to drown himself in the bit of water that's at the bottom of the ravine.
At some point, he walks off the cliff at which I follow him to see what he's doing. I still tell him verbally to follow me back to the front of the ravine and back to the vehicle but he completely ignores these commands. He tries to drown himself again and once he figures it doesn't work, keeps on walking to the end of the ravine. I then decide to use my taser on him because I don't want to walk out of the ravine with him and because we're getting too far away from the patrol vehicle at which I drag him back to the front of the ravine (see video). He then says ''Bye motherfucker -- Bye fucker'' and disconnects to avoid any further roleplay or his eventual arrest (see screenshot).
As a summary, I have the opinion that the accused broke the following rules:
Rule 2.1 - You are considered to be under FearRP when you are in line of sight of a visibly armed person, who is within microphone range of you and is able to harm your character at that moment. //
FearRP under gunpoint of one (1) officer with a firearm and two (2) officers with tasers.
Rule 3.3 - Do not do unrealistic things out of context (FailRP). //
Reckless endangerment, driving around aimlessly and causing havoc in personal vehicle as president.
Rule 3.3 - Do not do unrealistic things out of context (FailRP). //
Used command /sleep multiple times while handcuffed.
Rule 1.3 - Do not reconnect, suicide, change job or do anything else to avoid a roleplay situation. //
Attempted suicide by walking in between cars, walking off the cliff and by attempting to drown.
Rule 1.4 - Do not swear excessively, argue or insult in OOC chat. //
Not excessively, but due to events happening I believe the ''Bye motherfucker'' and ''Bye fucker'' were considered OOC due to him disconnecting to avoid straight after saying so.
Rule 1.3 - Do not reconnect, suicide, change job or do anything else to avoid a roleplay situation. //
Disconnect to avoid further roleplay and eventual arrest.
Rule 1.2 - You can only own and use one account, using more than one account to avoid a punishment or otherwise can result in a permanent ban. //
(!) Accused also has two SteamIDs which might indicate a double account. However, the first SteamID (ending with 004) is the one that was used in the incident.
See the video and screenshots below for context.