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Full Version: My permenant ban
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Your Name: 

Steam name when i was banned : ? ? ??????

Current steam name : Cookie Crumble

Ban ID: 5195

Banned by: @[L²] Overlewd

Server: City Rp

Ban Reason: "Teamkilling, 9 bans and 22 blacklists in low playtime, was on last chance"

Why should you be unbanned?: I was banned 1 year ago and throughout that time i have thought and missed out on what i have done in the past, what i did was really unthoughtful and selfish. I will do my best to stay on the good side of the community and not go against it.


The staff-members have received your unban-request, Samuel Forest.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
It's been 1year 2months 0.0
I can agree to this given that it's been quite some time but you will need to show that you are able and willing to read and follow all the server rules. By accepting, you will be unbanned and placed on a probation period, during which any rule violation that leads to a ban/blacklist may result in an immediate reinstatement of your permaban.

Please confirm that you have read and agree with the terms and that you will make an effort to follow the server rules.
(Jun 10, 2018, 03:42 PM)Overlewd Wrote: [ -> ]I can agree to this given that it's been quite some time but you will need to show that you are able and willing to read and follow all the server rules. By accepting, you will be unbanned and placed on a probation period, during which any rule violation that leads to a ban/blacklist may result in an immediate reinstatement of your permaban.

Please confirm that you have read and agree with the terms and that you will make an effort to follow the server rules.

I accept with the conditions you've listed
Approved. Ban lifted on condition described in my previous post.

For your information, the rules have changed since a year ago, so it is in your best interests to thoroughly re-read them before playing.