Limelight Forums

Full Version: No Scroll Bar
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ID: 5b1b8afb804cfc0d9d5f7a8b

Service [Forums/UCP/TeamSpeak/Stock Exchange/Etc]: Forums

Description: I don't have a scroll bar on the forums. I am using Google Chrome at 1600x900.
Bug observed since: 6/9/2018
Images/Screenshot: N/A
Steps to Reproduce: Go onto forums.
Thank you for your bug-report, Monkey!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
[Image: 97d8e9baac1e554b441439f26aaf29cc.png]
Seems fine for moi?
I have the same issue.
Locally changing or removing the pseudo-element selectors in theme.css (L1272) resets the scrollbars. Obviously they aren't the cause of the bug, but idk. Chrome 67.0.3396.79 has had some weird bugs so far, so wouldn't surprise me if this was one of them. 

[Image: 743d4603152a7a69feb7d914a76e51c8.png]
Ctrl+F5 and see if the issue persists
Clearing cache did nothing, neither did cache refresh as Noble suggested
Should be fixed, make sure to do a full refresh and cache clear (Ctrl + F5).
Ticket Status Updated

Changed from New to Monitor
Fixed for me.
Ticket Status Updated

Changed from Monitor to Closed