Hey Guys,
I Came to the server a while ago and was a massive **** but i have decided to comeback and play properly see if i like it ect and i have played all day today and i can say i have had a really good time met some great people i owned my own cafe i have patrolled as an officer i have been in raids please accept me as a new person and give me a fresh start!
Hey There Dude, Saw You On The Server Today.
Welcome Druggo nice to have you here. Cya ingame
Cheers guys means a lot nice too meet you all hope too see you guys on the server soon!
Hi! Welcome back
(Jun 3, 2018, 04:15 AM)Pufitee Wrote: [ -> ]whats poppin
Yo mate great too see you again
m hoping too meet back up with you some time on the server
(Jun 3, 2018, 11:53 AM)Da Cool Cow Wrote: [ -> ]Hi! Welcome back
Cheers mate Hope too see you around some time
(Jun 3, 2018, 02:42 PM)Nacreas Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to Limelight!
Thanks mate
Welcome back to Limelight.
Welcome to the community