Reported Players: Elfie (STEAM_0:0:78191187) (
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-02 21:57
Summary: I was a cop and he (Elfie) was a desk secetary but changed his job title to a General at the time. So i gunned down a civllian (Aspire) who tried to run me over by reversing into me. Elfie then comes over to me saying it was wrong to kill Aspire who tried to run me over and that it was an excessive use of lethal force. He then said to me im going to get you demoted, he contacted the president but he timed out so he when as president and then demoted me.
I was already in a goverment position of power and had witnessed the man use deadly force whilst in said power. I then became president and acted on this after previsoly a few seconds before talking to the president (of who I was acting as advisor to) about his demotion however the president chose this point to DC so I came into power and acted in the same way I had advised and then continued to RP out my goverment. I did not switch JUST to abuse the power as president I simply acted upon something I had previosly witnessed not 30 seconds before. I did not switch after being demoted to get revenge I switched because I was waiting to be promoted from Advisor to President (In an RP sense) so when I did so I acted like I had said to do orignally. I saw the abuse whilst in a position of power and acted on it whilst in power.
-=Involved, witness=-
Cochise for one did have the right to open fire, given his life was at stake.
Secondly I tried to inform you in OOC after the incident that what you did was powergaming, but you did not listen. I spoke to two admins and was given the following feedback:
![[Image: b8lKvUz.png]](
The name may be a tad misleading, but this is an Alias of
"RyanF" You did not tell the whole story. You made it sound like I just switched to demote it and then switched back.
(Jun 3, 2018, 12:41 AM)OnlineSyco Wrote: [ -> ]"RyanF" You did not tell the whole story. You made it sound like I just switched to demote it and then switched back.
No I didn't, if I wanted it to sound like that I wouldve specified you then switched back.
If you had used my whole explanation im sure the outcome would have bene different
=Secret Service at the time, involved=
At the time, the government was undergoing reform with regards to martial law due to crime so syco was a military general, a respective and high up position. yada yada. Syco witnessed the suspected officer abuse and asked the president he deserves a demotion. At this point, the president had left, so syco had then taken the President slot because he wanted to be president (duh). The accused officer was demoted because elfie had the power too while roleplaying as an actual martial law leader.
Long story short, my perspective it seemed elfie took advantage of the previous president leaving and the officer happened to have been accused and demoted by elfie as he had taken the position intending to roleplay as an actual politican. I completely understand that from the accused perspective it looked like he powergamed but from my perspective it was just because syco had taken the presidents position intending to take his role seriously.
My perspective it seems syco is not in the wrong, although it looks like it.
This is similar to a situation handled by myself and a few days ago. In that situation, a player went President, and was enacting laws that would help them if they switched out. They then switched job, and argued that "it's not powergaming, as I was RPing as President".
It's a very similar situation here. A secretary, no matter the job title, does not have the power to demote. Seeing a demote-worthy offence, and then switching to President to carry out a demotion would be powergaming, as your affecting a change which other players had no opportunity to, bypassing regular game mechanics to gain an advantage over others.
I'd also like some clarification on why you believe it is demote-worthy to defend yourself from an attacker who is using lethal force on you.
My input is it's straight up power gaming no question about it. It's fairly close to the situation doc had mentioned above, my cause for concern in your first line of your response spills the beans a bit.
"I was already in a government position of power and had witnessed the man use deadly force whilst in said power. I then became president and acted on this"
If you were Desk Security but had a job title "General" Does not give you the power to demote. Sure advise the president but that's about it, it's failRP to switch to President and demote him. I see you also said "i didn't just switch to president to demote then switch back" it doesn't matter if you already demoted him.
Anyway, that's my opinion.
He wasnt using the force on me doctor he used it on a civiian in front of all of us (the 2 ss, me and the president)
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