My midsummer exams have now concluded - so I have time to return to the server and continue with prior RP.
Your Name:
Ban ID:
Banned by:
@[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif][L²] Bambo[/font]
Main RP.
Ban Reason:
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Evading police as President. Changing job to avoid RP situation. Changing Steam Username to avoid a player report.[/font]
Why should you be unbanned?:
Stated at the top of the thread.
The staff-members have received your unban-request, Elliot.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
The ban was reissued by me due to a issue.
was the original banning staff at the time.
You haven't explained or given any reason for an unban.
The reason for the renewal request is that I have now completed my midsummer exams, and have a lot more time on my hands - prior to this, at the time we decided a temporary removal from the server should be issued - I was much busier.
I now have the time to complete RP to a satisfactory standard, and I believe that I deserve a second chance within the server, which I obviously cannot provide evidence for as I am currently removed from the server. That is the reason why my permissions to join should be renewed.
(May 30, 2018, 09:37 PM)Elliot Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
The reason for the renewal request is that I have now completed my midsummer exams, and have a lot more time on my hands - prior to this, at the time we decided a temporary removal from the server should be issued - I was much busier.
I now have the time to complete RP to a satisfactory standard, and I believe that I deserve a second chance within the server, which I obviously cannot provide evidence for as I am currently removed from the server. That is the reason why my permissions to join should be renewed.
Hello Elliot,
A few things I noticed, for one, I don't recall me and you deciding on anything, I decided it was time for you to be banned from the server and I made that decision alone based on your actions on the server, you and I never collectively decided on your punishment.
Furthermore, my decision was also based on the amount of prior bans you have on your record, this one being the 13th one.
You know having time to be on the server again isn't a reason for an unban, if you broke the rules then there is nothing wrong with the ban.
I am not requesting to have the temporary suspension lifted due to me having more time, that is simply what has ushered me to file this, I am asking for a second chance within the game server itself.
Simply having more time is not enough for a second chance, your record is extensive and would require more solid reasoning for us to agree giving you a second chance.
I cannot provide any more reasoning - I am saying to you that you can, if you wish - closely monitor me on the server. And I can assure you no rules will be broken regardless of your choice to monitor me or not. There is not much I can say or prove, until you actually allow me to return to the server, when I can then demonstrate my honesty.
I understand that I have an extensive record within the server, and I apologise for that.
I think what he means is, Why should we give you a second chance on the server, instead of you allowing us the chance to monitor you.
If you are unbanned I'm sure the staff will monitor you anyway, you giving them the chance to do that isn't something up to you,
I think the question you should be worried about is why you should get unbanned considering you already been banned 13 times before your last one and was given enough chances in the past.
I'll be gathering other staff opinions on this.
I do not know how long it'll take, but I'll get back to you at most within 3 days.
Thank you for your patience.
Prior to your permanent ban, you had a massive attitude issue at times insulting staff, and threatening them with abuse reports even when there was nothing wrong. I'd like to see your response to those kind of behaviours, how you justify them or how those have changed.
I totally understand where you're coming from with that remark, and I apologise to all the staff involved - and I can assure you that I will not have the same attitude towards volunteer staff if I return to the server. As I appreciate the amount of time you devote to the server, and how stressful it can be.
So to all of Limelight's volunteers - I apologise.
Kind Regards,
After getting numerous staff opinions on this, we do not think you are ready to return just yet.
We feel, from your wording of the UBR that due to your absence tied to exams you have not fealt it or seen it as a punishment.
We also are reluctant due to your attitude prior to the ban and throughout this UBR. While you have worded some sentences nicely, in the bigger picture your attitude derives purely from not acknowledging the cause of the ban and also the severity of your history.
You have always relied on threatening players with a PR when faced with a difficult roleplay situation even if their actions were fully valid. You have also relied upon this when confronted by staff, being hard to deal with, threatening to post abuse reports and so on. Often as going as far as threatening to go to the owner to get staff members demoted when a situation does not go your way. You have stated yourself that you believe bans have no effect, so we'll like to have you go through the effect a ban brings as you couldn't due to your exams.
Unban request denied.